_API GetPromiseSets Response

_API GetPromiseSets Response

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Web Service





A structure containing details of the success or failure of the API call.

<type>?</type>stringThe Return Code name, representing the result of the API call.

<code>?</code>intThe Return Code number, representing the result of the API call.



A structure containing one or more <promSet> elements.

A structure representing a single Promise Set.

<id>?</id>PromSetIDThe ID of the Promise Set.

A structure containing one or more <band> elements.

A structure representing a single Promise Set band.

<id>?</id>TimeBandIDThe ID of the Promise Set band.

<start>?</start>sp2:spTimeThe start time of the Promise Set band, in HH:MM format.

<end>?</end>sp2:spTimeThe end time of the Promise Set band, in HH:MM format.

<desc>?</desc>sp2:BandDescNameThe description of the Promise Set band.




