_API GetCapacityStatisticsRequest Definition

_API GetCapacityStatisticsRequest Definition

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The FRUs field may be supplied zero or more times.
  • Do not supply any FRUs field values, if capacity information should be returned for all FRUs in the system; or
  • Supply one or more FRUs values, to representing the FRU(s) for which capacity information should be returned.




When set to true, capacity information will be broken down into IRU levels.

Default value is false.


When set to true, capacity information will be broken down into both IRU and team levels, even if the iruLevel parameter is false.

Default value is false.


The inclusive start date of the date range for which capacity information should be returned.


 <endDate>?</endDate>spDateThe inclusive end date of the date range for which capacity information should be returned.(tick)(tick)