Property | Type | Description | Req? | Field Mapping: ServiceScheduling |
FixToEmp | Boolean | This option will cause the chosen operative to effectively become mandatory. | No | FixToEmp |
UseAccessHours | Boolean | This option's effect is to cause access hour overrides to be generated from the job’s existing access hours (which may be from an access hours pattern) that overlap the same operative day on which the job’s ETA is current scheduled. If the job has no access hours on that operative day, a single access hours override from the start of the operative day to the end will be set. | No | UseAccessHours |
SetNotFixed | Boolean | This option will remove the fixed flag from the job (if it were previously fixed). | No | SetNotFixed |
SetUnEarmark | Boolean | This option will cause an unearmark to be generated (should one be required). | No | SetUnEarmark |
SetDispStatusBack | Boolean | This option will cause the job’s dispatch status to be set to | No | SetDispStatusBack |
SetConfirmed | Boolean | This option sets the | No | SetConfirmed |
RemoveMandatory | Boolean | This option will cause any previously specified mandatory operatives (1 or 2, ordered or not) to be removed from the job. An error won’t be returned if the job has no mandatory operatives. This option has no effect on preferred or excluded operatives. | No | RemoveMandatory |