Contact Object

Contact Object

The contact object is made up of two collections, a names collection and a points collection. The names collection is intended to hold information regarding how a user would want contact information displayed, for example in Broker Core specific ContactName objects can be mapped to a customerName field. The object gives customers the flexibility to keep their field names such as first name/last name or given name/family name and not worry about what name is required by the Broker system. The same applies to the ContactPoint objects which can be email/home/phone/work for example and these can then be mapped to other fields as required within the Broker system.

Steve Object Formats

JSON Format
XML Format
<contactName name="givenName" value="user"/>
<contactName name="familyName" value="smith"/>
<contactPoint mode="email" value="a.user@servicepower.com" />
<contactPoint mode="main" value="061 777 9999" />

Steve Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

namescollectionCollection of ContactName objects
pointscollectionCollection of ContactPoint objects