Stock Level Recommendation Object

Stock Level Recommendation Object

The stock level recommendation object contains a list of items that are to be reviewed for maintaining stock level for a specified storage location, identified by the StorageLocationID property. Each item contains the recommended quantity as well as optional product attributes.

Stock Level Recommendation Object Formats

JSON Format
	"Description": "",
	"DueDate": "",
	"Extensions": {
		"Ref #": ""
	"Items": [{
		"FlexView": [{
			"Title": "GroupName",
			"Items": [{
				"Label": "labeltext",
				"Value": "valuetext"
		"ProdAttrs": {
			"Desc": "",
			"IsBatch": false,
			"IsInvCtrl": false,
			"IsSerialized": false,
			"ProdType": ""
		"ProdNum": "",
		"Qty": 1.0,
		"RecQty": 1.0
	"ID": "",
	"Status": "",
	"StorageLocationID": "",
	"TechCreated": false

Stock Level Recommendation Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

DescriptionstringDetailed description of the stock level recommendation for a storage location.

The date and time, in UTC format, of when the stock level recommendation is expected to be completed.



This object contains an optional collection of key/value pairs.

These key/value are defined and controlled by the customer and are typically used to assist in integration by pass additional data around the system.

IDstringThe unique ID that identifies this stock level recommendation.

Identifies the product items and quantities that are in the recommendation and to be reviewed to maintain the stock level in specified storage location's inventory.


The optional FlexViews object is used to provided additional read-only details and information specific to the object they are included in. The FlexViews are fully customizable by the customer.

See: Flex Views Object



This object contains the item's product attributes from the Product table. If this object is not specified, then the Broker ESB will automatically populate it from the details in the Product table.

(info) If the Product table is not being managed through the Product REST APIs, then this object is required.

DescstringProvides the description of the product item. This description will be in the preferred language of the technician.

Identifies if this product item is batch controlled. If true, then the BatchNum property is required.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is batch controlled.
  • false - Item is not batch controlled. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies if this product is under inventory control. If true, then the application will automatically adjust the proper storage location's inventory based on the item usage.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is under inventory control.
  • false - Item is not under inventory control. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies if this product item is serialized or not. If true, then the SerialNum property is required.

Valid values are:

  • true - Item is serialized and requires a serial number.
  • false - Item is not serialized. This is the default value if this property is missing.

Identifies the product item type or category.

See: Product Types System Category

See: Product Object

ProdNumstringIdentifies the product number associated with the item.
QtynumberIdentifies the adjusted recommended quantity for the item. This quantity reflects changes made to the recommended quantity by mobile worker during stock level recommendation review.
RecQtynumberIdentifies the recommended stock level quantity for the item.


The current status of the stock level recommendation.

Valid values are:

  • 1001 - The stock level recommendation is under review
  • 1002 - The stock level recommendation review has been completed

StorageLocationIDstringIdentifies the storage location where the stock level recommendation is to be applied to.
Specifies if the mobile worker created the stock level recommendation.

Valid values are:

  • false = Indicates that the stock level recommendation was created in the back office. This is the default value if this property is not specified.
  • true = The mobile worker created the stock level recommendation from the mobile application.


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