Users Query API

Users Query API


The User Query REST API is used to query the list of ServiceMobility users.

The result set is filtered based on the security level of the user executing the query.

Related pages:

Resource URL

GET /seiapi/v3/query/Users/?filter=${filterOptions}&q={queryOptions}sort=${sortOptions}&limit=${limit}&customerid=xxxx&customercode=xxxx

Query Parameters


Identifies the unique customer id assigned by ServicePower. This value will never change.

(warning) This property is being deprecated in favor of JSON Web Token support via the x-access-token HTTP header.


Identifies the unique customer code associated with the Customer and assigned by ServicePower. The Customer should keep this code confidential. If required, such as an IT employee being released from the Customer's organization, a new customer code can be requested.

(warning) This property is being deprecated in favor of JSON Web Token support via the x-access-token HTTP header.


The filter parameter syntax is:

  • field = Identified the field name of the object to filter against
  • value = Identifies the value to be matched against the field

The filter parameter is used to quickly reduce the result set based on the field values provided. Although the filter is case-insensitive it does preform an exact match.



This will return all objects where the WorkCenter field has a value of EastCoast


Identifies the maximum number of objects to be returned.


The q parameter syntax is:

q=<search term>::in:field-1,field-2

The q (query) parameter supports partial term matches across multiple fields. For example, a search_term of Joh will match John, John's, Johansson, Johansen.

The query parameter currently supports one search term, although it can be combined with the filter parameter.


Identifies the field name that should be used for sorting.

The sort syntax is:

  • field-1 = The field name to sort against
  • [ - ] = Optional value that identifies the field is to be sorted in descending order

startIdentifies the number of objects to be skipped. This is used for pagination and allows skipping previously returned objects.


The ${filterOptions} parameter supports the following User Object fields:

  • DGroupID
  • Email
  • FirstName
  • LanguageCode
  • LastName
  • StorageLocation
  • UserID
  • WorkCenter


The ${queryOptions} supports the following User Object fields:

  • DGroupID
  • Email
  • FirstName
  • LanguageCode
  • LastName
  • StorageLocation
  • UserID
  • WorkCenter


The ${sortOptions} supports the following User Object fields:

  • DGroupID
  • Email
  • FirstName
  • LanguageCode
  • LastName
  • StorageLocation
  • UserID
  • WorkCenter

HTTP Headers

This API uses the default ServiceMobility HTTP Headers.

HTTP Response Body

The response body contains a collection of User Objectst that match the query parameters. 

JSON Format
    "TotalRecords" : 0,
    "Items" : [
			// object definition 



HTTP Response

Response Codes

HTTP CodeDescription


OK. Request was processed successfully.

(info) Even though the request may return a successful code of 200, the body may still contain warning details.


Syntax error in request. The response body will provide more details on the specific reason. Verify the URI, its parameters, and request body.


Unauthorized. The credentials are incorrect, please verify and try again.


Not Found. The URL is incorrect, please verify and try again.


The specified HTTP method is not supported for this resource.


Conflict. This error usually occurs when attempting to overwrite an existing object that can not be replaced.


The specified object does not exists. Please verify the URI.


An error has occurred within ServiceMobility. Please review the error message details and if necessary, contact customer support.

Response Body

    "code": 400,
    "detail": {
        "message": "",
        "params": {
            "value": ""
        "dataPath": ""

Response Object Properties

codeintegerThe HTTP response code.

This object provides additional details the system provided while processing the transactions. Usually the details provide additional information on why an error occurred. However, it may also provide warning details even when the requests was successful. For example, the request may have returned a response of 200=OK, but included warnings in the response body of properties that are still being used that are marked for deprecation.

messagestringA human readable message related to the processing of the request.
paramscollectionA collection of additional key/value pairs that contain the values that caused the warning/error condition.
dataPathstringIdentifies the location within the request body the message refers to.

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