DataImport Object

DataImport Object


This DataImport object contains status information related to the processing of data imported into the system via a Microsoft Excel file.

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DataImport Object Formats

JSON Format
    "_t" : "dataimport",
	"_v" : "1.0",
	"ImportID" : "",
	"MimeType" : "",
	"ObjType" : "",
	"OriginalName" : "",
	"Size" : "",
	"Status" : 1001,
	"SubmitDate" : "",
	"ProcessingStart" : "",
	"ProcessingEnd" : "",
	"Results" : {
		"Success" : 0,
		"Errors" : 0,
		"Messages" : [
				"row" : "",
				"error" : ""

DataImport Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in Bold.

ImportIDstringSpecifies the data import ID associated with the import request. This ID is automatically assigned by the system when the import data is submitted.

Identifies the HTTP mime type of the imported data file.


Identifies the object type that was imported. This value is determined by the value of the first sheet name of the MS Excel file.

Valid values are:

1002Account Locations
1005Work Orders
OriginalNamestringIdentifies the original file name of the uploaded data import file.
ProcessingStartstringContains the date and time, in UTC format, when system started processing the data import file. This property will only be present in the document once processing has started.
ProcessingEndstringContains the date and time, in UTC format, when the system completed processing of the data import file. This property will only be present in the document one processing has completed.

Contains processing error messages.

SuccessintegerContains the number of rows that were successfully processed.

Contains the number of rows that had processing errors.

(warning) If there errors with the Excel spreadsheet itself, Error may indicate 0 as the system was not able to start processing the individual rows.


Contains a separate message for each error that occurred during processing.

RowstringIf an error occurred while processing a row, this property will be set to the actual row that contained an error. Otherwise, this property will not be present.
TextstringContains details of the error that occurred.
SizeintegerIdentifies the size, in bytes, of the uploaded MS Excel spreadsheet.

Identifies the current processing status of the imported data file.

Valid values are:

  • 1001 - Pending. The data file is waiting to be processed.
  • 1002 - Processing . The data file is currently being processed.
  • 1003 - Success.The data file processing has been complete successfully.
  • 1004 - Error. Errors occurred during the processing of the data file.

(warning) If the Status is 1004, it is important to review the Results property to determine how many records were successfully processed.

SubmitDatestringContains the date and time, in UTC format, when the data import file was submitted for processing.

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DataImport REST API
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