Role Object

The Role object contains the general details for an authorization role within the system. 

A role contains zero or more permissions and users. Each user assigned to the role will inherit its associated permissions. If a role's permission list is updated then every user associated with the role will also be updated. 

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Role Object Formats

JSON Format
	"RoleID" : "",
	"Name" : {
		"en" : ""
	"Desc" : {
		"en" : ""
	"Permissions" : []

Role Object Properties

(info) Required properties are in bold.

RoleIDstringIdentifies the unique role ID. This ID can not be changed once it is created.

This property contains a collection of key/value pairs that provide a localized short name of the role.

The sub-property name contains the language code and the value contains the localized role name for the language.


This property contains a collection of key/value pairs that provide a localized description of the role.

The sub-property name contains the language code and the value contains the localized role description for the language.

PermissionsarrayContains a collection of zero or more permissions associated with this role.