Resource URL Summary
Pass Through Call to ServiceScheduling's "Get Operative" API
PUT /up/v5/rest/scheduling/GetEmp
HTTP Headers
This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.
API Specifics
Pass Through Call to ServiceScheduling's "Get Operative" API
This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the ServiceScheduling sub-system's "Get Operative" API (when configured).
PUT /up/v5/rest/scheduling/GetEmp
HTTP Request Body
This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceScheduling "Get Operative" APi.
GetOperative Object Format
{ "empID": "" }
GetOperative Object Properties (Bold property names indicate the field is required)
Property | Type | Length | Description | Req? | servHoursPatts.servHoursPatt[].gracePeriod |
empID | string | SS: 50 | Pass through parameter to the ServiceScheduling "Get Operative" API. | Yes | empID |
fru-postings | Boolean | Optional parameter. When supplied and | No | fru-Postings |
HTTP Response
On success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceScheduling "Get Operative" API response will be returned.
{ "Success": true, "Code": "0", "Message": "", "Payload": { "result": { "type": "OK", "code": "0" }, "attr": { "type": 0, "name": "YO7_1_01 YORH_I01", "surname": "YORH_I01", "job-title": "Engineer", "efficiency": 100, "address1": "", "address2": "", "address3": "", "address4": "", "postcode": "YO1 9", "region-no": 12336, "region-ref": "UK_YO.YO1.YO1_9", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "pager": "", "hand-held1": "", "hand-held2": "", "current-hand-held": "", "schedulable": 1, "max-overtime": 0, "printer": "", "inform-lead-time": 0, "work-region-no": 12336, "tz-type": 0, "tz-no": 0, "work-postcode": "YO1 9", "earmarked-jobs-max": 0, "default-start-loc": "3", "default-start-loc-postcode": "YO7 1", "default-end-loc": "3", "default-end-loc-postcode": "YO7 2", "tota": 0, "totb": 0, "default-lk-centre-loc": "3", "default-lk-centre-postcode": "YO7 3", "default-start-loc-region-no": 12426, "default-end-loc-region-no": 12427, "default-lk-centre-region-no": 12428, "vehicle-capacity": 0, "travel-status": 0, "travel-status-time": "", "travel-api-time": "", "last-moving-time": "", "show-operative-status": 0, "frozen-lead-days": 0, "frozen-day-trigger-time": "", "current-loc-type": "", "geo-fence-name": "", "last-stopped-ok": "", "last-stopped-overnight": "", "last-stopped-customer": "" } } }
On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceScheduling "Get Operative" API response will be returned.
{ "Success": false, "Code": 9, "Payload": { "returnCode": { "type": "Error", "code": "SCH Error Code" } } }
Return Codes
In addition to the Standard Return Codes, the possible Return Codes from this API are: