A pass-through API to Claims (when configured) which allows the Claims' "Part Update Order" API to be called.
Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
On this page: Related pages: |
Resource URL Summary
Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
Pass Through Call to Claims "Parts UpdateOrder" API POST /up/v5/parts/updateOrder |
Include Page |
_Default HTTP Headers | _Default HTTP Headers | Enablements
To enable this feature, the tenant's sysconfig needs to be updated:
Code Block |
"Providers": {
"Claims": {
"Features": {
"queryEntitlement": {
"Endpoint": "services/product/v1/checkentitlement"
"queryCustomerApptInfo": {
"Endpoint": "services/customer/v2/newcallnumber"
"updatePartsOrder": {
"Endpoint": "services/part/v1/updateorder"
"Password": "--Redacted--",
"ManufacturerNumber": "S900"
} |
API Specifics
Panel |
Pass Through Call to Claims "Parts UpdateOrder" API
This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the Claims sub-system's "Part Update Order" API (when configured).
Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
POST /up/v5/claims
HTTP Request Body
This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" APi.
Code Block |
"Claims": [
"RequiredParts": [
"ProdNum": "PARTNUM1",
"Qty": 1,
"ProdAttrs": {
"Desc": "PART DESC 1",
"SchematicLocation": "SL",
"InvoiceNumber": "INVNUMBER1",
"UnitCost": 12.15,
"Returned": "N",
"DistributorNumber": "PRTDIST1",
"FaultCode": "FC1",
"JobCode": "JC1"
// ...
"Asset": {
"MfgId": "DEMO",
"Mfg": "SONY",
"Model": "NHT915AUC",
"SerialNum": "SERIAL",
"PurchaseDate": 20101001
"Booking": {
"ServiceOrgInfo": {
"ServiceOrg": "11154",
"LocationId": "",
"Name": "LOCNAME"
"Location": {
"Type": "",
"Address": {
"AddrLine1": "SOME STREET",
"AddrLine2": "APT B",
"City": "COSTA MESA",
"Region": "CA",
"Country": "USA",
"PostalCode": "92626"
"Contacts": [
"FirstName": "JANE",
"LastName": "FLOUNDER",
"ContactPoint": [
"Mode": "Phone",
"Value": 7145551000
"Mode": "Email",
"ClaimNumber": "XYZ1SD422F_",
"DistributorNumber": "DISTNBR",
"DemographicCode": "",
"EiaDefectOrComplaintCode": "DFC",
"DefectOrComplaintDescription": "DEFECT DESCRIPTION",
"ServicePerformedDescription": "SERVICE PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION",
"EiaRepairCode1": "RC1",
"EiaRepairCode2": "RC2",
"EiaRepairCode3": "RC3",
"EiaRepairCode4": "RC4",
"LaborSchematicLocation1": "SL1",
"LaborSchematicLocation2": "SL2",
"LaborSchematicLocation3": "SL3",
"LaborSchematicLocation4": "SL4",
"LaborSchematicLocation5": "SL5",
"LaborSchematicLocation6": "SL6",
"ReworkNumberOrPolicy": "RWNUMB",
"WarrantyType": 1,
"SoftwareVersion": "V1",
"RepairCategory": "RC",
"StockRepairFlag": "F",
"Type": "CT",
"ExistingClaimBatchNumber": 0,
"ExistingClaimSequenceNumber": 0,
"ProductSalesReceipt": "Y",
"GlAccountNumber": "GLACCTNB",
"ValidationFlag": "Y",
"DebitNumber": "DEBIT",
"KeypunchOperator": "KEYP",
"DateReceived": 20181002,
"DateRequested": 20181003,
"DateStarted": 20181004,
"TimeStarted": 1100,
"DateCompleted": 20181005,
"TimeCompleted": 1611,
"TotalRepairMinutes": 23,
"ServiceHours": 2,
"TravelHours": 3,
"TravelTime": 30,
"TripCount": 2,
"CallNumber": "CALLNBR",
"DealerNumber": "DLRNBR",
"DealerName": "SOME DEALER",
"DealerAddress": "ANOTHER STREET",
"DealerCity": "FOUNTAIN VALLEY",
"DealerState": "CA",
"DealerZipCode": "92728",
"LaborAmount": 50.75,
"PartsAmount": 125.25,
"OtherAmount": 45.33,
"TaxFederalAmount": 15.23,
"TaxStateAmount": 7.27,
"ShippingChargeAmount": 11.17,
"CodOrFreightAmount": 12.93,
"TravelChargeAmount": 13.24,
"MileageAmount": 14.18,
"TravelMiles": 15,
"StickerType": "S",
"StickerNumber": "STICKNUMB",
"ServiceContractNumber": "SVCCONTRACTNBR",
"DistributorTransmittalNumber": "DISTTRANS",
"Refurbished": "Y",
"Reference": "REFERENCER",
"PurchasedOverseasFlag": "N",
"AuthorizationNumber": "AUTHORIZATIONNUMBER",
"PartMarkupPercentage": 15,
"MicrowaveBefore": "MICBEF",
"MicrowaveAfter": "MICAFT",
"SpecialCode": "SPECCODE",
"DefectivePartNumber": "DEFPARTNUMBR",
"DefectivePartSerialNumber": "DEFSERIALNBR",
"SpecialCustomerNote": "SPECIAL CUSTOMER NOTE",
"ServiceSignedBy": "SERVICE SIGNED BY",
"AlternateStoreNumber": "ALTS",
"ServiceBusinessUnit": "SBU",
"PspSourceType": "PSPSOURCET",
"FoodSpoilageCode": "FOODSC",
"TpaClaimNumber": "TPACLAIMNBR",
"TpaContractError": "CE",
"TpaProductPurchaseDate": 20181010,
"TpaLaborWarrantyDays": 365,
"TpaPartsWarrantyDays": 365,
"TpaSubProgram": "P",
"TpaRuleSet": "RS",
"TpaEquipmentRetailPrice": 15.75,
"TpaProductCode": "TPAPRODTCD",
"TpaResubmittedFlag": "Y",
"TpaResubmittedClaimNumber": "RSBCLAIMNBR",
"TpaClaimType": "TCT",
"TpaContractStartDate": 20181011,
"TpaContractEndDate": 20181012,
"TpaProductDescription": "TPA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION",
"TpaProgramType": "TPAPROGRAMTYP",
"TpaRemarkId": "TPAREMARKID"
} |
SubmitClaim Object Properties
Property | Type | Required? | Description | ServiceDispatch Field Mapping |
Claims | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Claims |
RequiredParts | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | RequiredParts | ProdNum | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProdNum | Qty | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Qty | ProdAttrs | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProdAttrs | Desc | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Desc | SchematicLocation | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SchematicLocation | InvoiceNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | InvoiceNumber | UnitCost
| float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | UnitCost | Returned | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Returned | DistributorNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorNumber | FaultCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FaultCode | JobCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | JobCode | Asset | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Asset | MfgId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MfgId | Mfg | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Mfg | Model | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Model | SerialNum | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SerialNum | PurchaseDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PurchaseDate | Booking | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Booking | ServiceOrgInfo | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceOrgInfo | ServiceOrg | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceOrg | LocationId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LocationId | Name | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Name | Location | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Location | Type | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | Address | object | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Address | AddrLine1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AddrLine1 | AddrLine2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AddrLine2 | City | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | City | Region | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Region | Country | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Country | PostalCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PostalCode | Contacts | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Contacts | FirstName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FirstName | LastName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LastName | ContactPoint | array | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ContactPoint | Mode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Mode | Value | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Value | ClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimNumber | DistributorNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorNumber | DemographicCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DemographicCode | EiaDefectOrComplaintCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaDefectOrComplaintCode | DefectOrComplaintDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectOrComplaintDescription | ServicePerformedDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServicePerformedDescription | EiaRepairCode1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode1 | EiaRepairCode2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode2 | EiaRepairCode3 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode3 | EiaRepairCode4 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | EiaRepairCode4 | LaborSchematicLocation1 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation1 | LaborSchematicLocation2 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation2 | LaborSchematicLocation3 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation3 | LaborSchematicLocation4 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation4 | LaborSchematicLocation5 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation5 | LaborSchematicLocation6 | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborSchematicLocation6 | ReworkNumberOrPolicy | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ReworkNumberOrPolicy | WarrantyType | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | WarrantyType | SoftwareVersion | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SoftwareVersion | RepairCategory | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | RepairCategory | StockRepairFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StockRepairFlag | Type | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | ExistingClaimBatchNumber | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ExistingClaimBatchNumber | ExistingClaimSequenceNumber | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ExistingClaimSequenceNumber | ProductSalesReceipt | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProductSalesReceipt | GlAccountNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | GlAccountNumber | ValidationFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ValidationFlag | DebitNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DebitNumber | KeypunchOperator | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | KeypunchOperator | DateReceived | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateReceived | DateRequested | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateRequested | DateStarted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateStarted | TimeStarted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TimeStarted | DateCompleted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DateCompleted | TimeCompleted | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TimeCompleted | TotalRepairMinutes | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalRepairMinutes | ServiceHours | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceHours | TravelHours | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelHours | TravelTime | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelTime | TripCount | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TripCount | CallNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | CallNumber | DealerNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerNumber | DealerName | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerName | DealerAddress | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerAddress | DealerCity | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerCity | DealerState | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerState | DealerZipCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DealerZipCode | LaborAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | LaborAmount | PartsAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PartsAmount | OtherAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | OtherAmount | TaxFederalAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TaxFederalAmount | TaxStateAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TaxStateAmount | ShippingChargeAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ShippingChargeAmount | CodOrFreightAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | CodOrFreightAmount | TravelChargeAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelChargeAmount | MileageAmount | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MileageAmount | TravelMiles | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TravelMiles | StickerType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StickerType | StickerNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | StickerNumber | ServiceContractNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceContractNumber | DistributorTransmittalNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DistributorTransmittalNumber | Refurbished | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Refurbished | Reference | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Reference | PurchasedOverseasFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PurchasedOverseasFlag | AuthorizationNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AuthorizationNumber | PartMarkupPercentage | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PartMarkupPercentage | MicrowaveBefore | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MicrowaveBefore | MicrowaveAfter | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | MicrowaveAfter | SpecialCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SpecialCode | DefectivePartNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectivePartNumber | DefectivePartSerialNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | DefectivePartSerialNumber | SpecialCustomerNote | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | SpecialCustomerNote | ServiceSignedBy | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceSignedBy | AlternateStoreNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | AlternateStoreNumber | ProductSKU | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ProductSKU | WarrantySKU | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | WarrantySKU | ServiceBusinessUnit | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceBusinessUnit | PspSourceType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | PspSourceType | FoodSpoilageCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | FoodSpoilageCode | TpaContractNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractNumber | TpaClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaClaimNumber | TpaContractError | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractError | TpaProductPurchaseDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductPurchaseDate | TpaLaborWarrantyDays | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaLaborWarrantyDays | TpaPartsWarrantyDays | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaPartsWarrantyDays | TpaSubProgram | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaSubProgram | TpaRuleSet | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaRuleSet | TpaEquipmentRetailPrice | float | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaEquipmentRetailPrice | TpaProductCode | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductCode | TpaResubmittedFlag | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaResubmittedFlag | TpaResubmittedClaimNumber | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaResubmittedClaimNumber | TpaClaimType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaClaimType | TpaContractStartDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractStartDate | TpaContractEndDate | integer | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractEndDate | TpaProductDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProductDescription | TpaContractSKUDescription | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaContractSKUDescription | TpaProgramType | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaProgramType | TpaRemarkId | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TpaRemarkId | HTTP Response
On success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API response will be returned.
SubmitClaim Response Resource URL Summary
Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
Pass Through Call to Claims "PartsUpdateOrder" API POST /up/v5/parts/updateOrder |
Include Page |
| _Default HTTP Headers |
| _Default HTTP Headers |
To enable this feature, the tenant's sysconfig needs to be updated:
Code Block |
"Providers": {
"Claims": {
"Features": {
"queryEntitlement": {
"Endpoint": "services/product/v1/checkentitlement"
"queryCustomerApptInfo": {
"Endpoint": "services/customer/v2/newcallnumber"
"updatePartsOrder": {
"Endpoint": "services/part/v1/updateorder"
"Password": "--Redacted--",
"ManufacturerNumber": "S900"
} |
API Specifics
Panel |
Pass Through Call to Claims "Parts UpdateOrder" APIThis RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the Claims sub-system's "Part UpdateOrder" API (when configured). URL Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
| POST /up/v5/parts/updateOrder
HTTP Request BodyThis request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceDispatch "Update Order" APi. Code Block |
| {
"Success": true,
"Code": 0,
"Message": "OK",
"Payload": {
"TotalClaimsReceived": 1,
"TransactionId": "2021040713411526232528DMWSTEST02",
"ResponseCodecallNumber": "OK0007084-97757435",
"TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfullyorderSequence": 10,
"parts": [
"Claims": [ {
{ "PartNumber": "285442",
"ClaimTransactionIdPartSequence": "100_32362"0,
"ClaimResponseCodeOrderDate": "OK20231114",
"ServiceCenterNumberStatus": "11154Shipping",
"ClaimStatusDescriptionBackorderQuantity": "Incomplete"1,
"ManufacturerNameBackorderDate": "DEMO20231117",
"ServiceCenterLocationCodeShipQuantity": "LOCNAME",
"TypeShipDate": "CT20231119",
"ClaimBatchNumberShipMethod": 300001"Ground",
"ClaimSequenceNumberShipCarrier": 109,
"ClaimStatusCodeTrackingNumber": "I1ZTESTING12345",
"ClaimNumber": "XYZ1SD422F_01", {
"ErrorsPartNumber": ["285999",
"PartSequence": 0,
{ "OrderDate": "",
"ErrorDescriptionStatus": "Invalid Dispatch#Shipped",
"BackorderQuantity": 0,
"PartNumberBackorderDate": "",
"ShipQuantity": 1,
} "ShipDate": "20231125",
] "ShipMethod": "Express",
} ]"ShipCarrier": "FEDEX",
"TotalClaimsNotProcessedSuccessfully": 0 }
} |
SubmitClaim Response Object Properties |
Property | Type | Description | ServiceDispatch Field Mapping |
Success | boolean | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Success |
Code | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Code |
Message | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Message |
Payload | object | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Payload |
TotalClaimsReceived | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalClaimsReceived | TransactionId | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TransactionId | ResponseCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ResponseCode | TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfully | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | TotalClaimsProcessedSuccessfully | Claims | array | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Claims | ClaimTransactionId | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimTransactionId | ClaimResponseCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimResponseCode | ServiceCenterNumber | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceCenterNumber | ClaimStatusDescription | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimStatusDescription | ManufacturerName | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ManufacturerName | ServiceCenterLocationCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ServiceCenterLocationCode | Type | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Type | ClaimBatchNumber | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimBatchNumber | ClaimSequenceNumber | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimSequenceNumber | ClaimStatusCode | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimStatusCode | ClaimNumber | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ClaimNumber | Errors | array | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | Errors | ErrorDescription | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API. | ErrorDescription | PartNumber
"TrackingNumber": "1ZTESTING12346"
} |
UpdateOrder Object Properties
Property | Type | Required? | Description | Claims Field Mapping |
callNumber | string | Yes | Pass through parameter to the Claims "UpdateOrder " API. | callNumber |
orderSequence | string | Yes | Pass through parameter to the Claims "UpdateOrder " API. | orderSequence |
parts | string | Yes | Pass through parameter to the Claims "UpdateOrder " API. | parts |
| PartNumber | string | Yes | The part number ordered. | partNumber |
| PartSequence | string | Yes | The sequence of the parts ordered. | partSequence |
| OrderDate | string | Yes | The date the part was ordered. | orderDate |
| Status | string | Yes | The status of the order. | status |
| BackorderQuantity | string | No | The quantity of the parts currently under backordered. | partBackorderQuantity |
| BackorderDate | string | No | The expected date of the back order | backorderDate |
| StatusShipQuantity | string | Yes | The status of the quantity being shipped. | statusShipQuantity |
| ShipDate | string | Yes | The ship date of the part. | shipDate |
| ShipMethod | string | Yes | The type of shipping used to deliver the part. | shipMethod |
| ShipCarrier | string | Yes | The service provider that is shipping the part. | shipCarrier |
| TrackingNumber | string | Yes | The tracking number for the shipping of the part. | trackingNumber |
HTTP Response
On success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch "Submit Claim" API response will be returned.
Code Block |
"Success": true,
"Code": 0,
"Message": "OK",
"Payload": {
"ResponseCode": "OK"
} |
UpdateOrder Response Object Properties
Property | Type | Description | ServiceDispatch Field Mapping |
Success | boolean | Pass through parameter from the ServiceClaim "UpdateOrder" API. | Success |
Code | integer | Pass through parameter from the ServiceClaim "UpdateOrder" API. | Code |
Message | string | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch ServiceClaim "Submit ClaimUpdateOrder" API. | PartNumber Message |
Payload | integer
object | Pass through parameter from the ServiceDispatch ServiceClaim "Submit ClaimUpdateOrder" API. | TotalClaimsNotProcessedSuccessfully Payload |
On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch "Submit ClaimUpdate Order" API response will be returned.
Code Block |
"Successname": false"GeneralError",
"Codemessage": 9"Error",
"Payloadcode": 400,
{ "className": "general-error",
"returnCodedata": {
"Success": false,
"typeCode": "Error",
"messageMessage": "DispatchBadRequest: Error Code"ocurred while querying the Claim!"
Return Codes
In addition to the Standard Return Codes, and the there are ServiceDispatch Error codes, individual API calls made have unique codes found on their individual pages.