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The Appointment Offer object represents the appointment offerings (if any) returned from a REST Work Item Appointment Search.      


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Table of Contents

Related pages:

Appointment Offer Object Format

Include Page
_Appointment Offer Object Format
_Appointment Offer Object Format

Appointment Offer Object PropertiesProperties 

Field MappingsMappings  

Appointment Search API calls may result in an appointment search being directed to either a ServiceDispatch system, a ServiceScheduling system, or both. (See the Appointment Search API definition for details on how this is configured).

As a result, some of the appointment offer response field definitions depend on the API that they have come from.

ServiceDispatch Field Mappings

When a Appointment Search API call results in an appointment search being directed to ServiceDispatch, some of the fields that are present in the Appointment Offer Object (below) will come from ServiceDispatch.

As a result, the definition of these fields depends on the ServiceDispatch response.

Please speak with the ServicePower customer services team for the field definitions.

ServiceScheduling Field Mappings

When a Appointment Search API call results in an appointment search being directed to ServiceScheduling, some of the fields that are present in the Appointment Offer Object (below) will come back from ServiceScheduling.

As a result, the definition of these fields depends on the ServiceScheduling response.

Please see the appropriate version of the ServiceScheduling sp:ApptOfferRequest API for the field definitions.

PropertyTypeLengthDescriptionField Mappings:  ServiceDispatchField Mappings:  ServiceScheduling

Top level array containing one more more objects, containing appointment offers and associated information.


 Mandatory object, containing details which describe which system and system servicer (if relevant) is supplying the appointment offers described in the parent object


SD Field: SvcrCollection[].SvcrName

SS Field: SysConfg.Scheduler.ExtId.Id


One of:

  • SD: If the system supplying the appointment offers is ServiceDispatch.
  • SS: If the system supplying the appointment offers is ServiceScheduling

    SD Field: OfferToken

    SS Field: offerToken

    OfferTextstringSS Field: offerTextStartDateDateTime

    For ServiceScheduling, the value in the StartDate will be returned in UTC format but will actually represent customer local time.

    SD Field: SchdDelDate + TimePeriod[0]

    SS Field: start


    For ServiceScheduling, the value in the StartDate will be returned in UTC format but will actually represent customer local time.

    SD Field: SchdDelDate + TimePeriod[1]

    SS Field: end

    PromBandSS Field: promBandPromTypeSS Field: promTypeTravelTimeSS Field: travelTimeDaySS Field: dayResultobjectOptional object, containing the ServiceScheduling response's more field, when relevant and present.PropertyTypeDescriptionMorebooleanSS Field: more


    • External: If the system supplying the appointment offers is some other system.
    OffersArrayMandatory array of one or more appointment offer details objects.

    For more, see Providers.Offers.Objects. 
