Pass Through Call to ServiceDispatchto Dispatch's "Get Status History" APIThis RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the ServiceDispatch the Dispatch sub-system's "Get Status History" API (when configured). URL Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
| PUT /up/v5/rest/dispatch/getStatusHistory
HTTP Request BodyThis request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceBroker "Get Status History" APi. GetStatusHistory Object Format Code Block |
| {
"Id": "",
"CallStatus": "",
"SecStatus": "",
"StartDate": "",
"StartTime": "",
"EndDate": "",
"EndTime": ""
} |
GetStatusHistory Object PropertiesProperty | Type | Required? | Description | ServiceDispatch Dispatch Field Mapping |
Id | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | CallNo | CallStatus | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | CallStatus | SecStatus | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | SecStatus | StartDate | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | StartDate | StartTime | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | StartTime | EndDate | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | EndDate | EndTime | string | No | Pass through parameter to the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API. | EndTime |
HTTP ResponseSuccessOn success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API response will be returned. GetStatusHistory Response Object Format Code Block |
| {
"AckMsg": "",
"WorkItemCount": "4",
"WorkItems": [
"MFGID": "9999",
"Id": "ka.2019-8-7.100263",
"WorkStatus": "COMPLETED",
"WorkSubStatus": "COMPLETED",
"SPSvcrAcct": "FSSTEST",
"UpdatedDate": "2019-11-04T11:47:00.000Z",
"CompletedDate": "2019-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"Payment": [
"POAmount": "0"
"Booking": {
"ServiceOrg": "FSSTEST",
"SchdStart": "2019-08-09T12:00:00.000Z",
"SchdEnd": "2019-08-09T23:00:00.000Z"
// ...
} |
GetStatusHistory Response Object PropertiesProperty | Type | Description |
AckMsg | string | Description of the response success. | WorkItemCount | string | The number of ServiceDispatch Dispatch Servicer objects in the WorkItems array. | WorkItems | array | An array of objects, each representing the status for a ServiceDispatch Dispatch Work Item. |
| MFGID | string | The ServiceDispatch Dispatch Work Item Mf gSvcrAcct value. |
| Id | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item CallNo value. |
| WorkStatus | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item work status. |
| WorkSubStatus | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item work sub-status. |
| SPSvcrAcct | string | The ServiceDispatch Dispatch Work Item ServicePower account number. |
| UpdatedDate | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item updated date. |
| CompletedDate | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item completed date. |
| Payment | array | An array containing details of the Work Item payment information. |
| POAmount | string | The ServiceDispatch Dispatch PO amount value. |
| Booking | object | An object containing details of the Work Item booking. |
| ServiceOrg | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item service organization. |
| SchdStart | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item scheduled start date/time. |
| SchdEnd | string | The ServiceDIspatch Work Dispatch Work Item scheduled end date/time. |
Error On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceDispatch Dispatch "Get Status History" API response will be returned. Code Block |
| {
"Success": false,
"Code": 9,
"Payload": {
"returnCode": {
"type": "Error",
"message": "Dispatch Error Code"
Return CodesIn addition to the Standard Return Codes, and the ServiceDispatch Dispatch Error codes, individual API calls made have unique codes found on their individual pages. |