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The Appointment Book object represents the parameters for booking an appointment offer, when using the REST Work Item Appointment Book.       

Appointment Book Object Format

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_Appointment Book Object Format
_Appointment Book Object Format

Appointment Book Object Properties  

Field Mappings   

REST Work Item Appointment Book calls may result in an appointment booking request being directed to either a ServiceDispatch system, a ServiceScheduling system, or both. (See the REST Work Item Appointment Search definition for details on how this is configured).

As a result, all of the fields in the Appointment Book Object are passed through to ServiceDispatch and/or ServiceScheduling, which means that the field definitions depend on the API that they are passed to.

In addition, fields may, or may not be, mandatory, depending on the system(s) to which they are passed, with the exception of some fields which are mandated by ServiceBroker itself (and which are marked below).

ServiceDispatch Field Mappings

When an REST Work Item Appointment Book call results in an appointment booking request being directed to ServiceDispatch, the fields that are present in the Appointment Book Object (below) with a ServiceDispatch field mapping will be passed to ServiceDispatch.

As a result, the definition of these fields depends on how ServiceDispatch handles the fields.

Please speak with the ServicePower customer services team for the field definitions.

ServiceScheduling Field Mappings

When an REST Work Item Appointment Book call results in an appointment booking request being directed to ServiceScheduling, the fields that are present in the Appointment Book Object (below) with a ServiceScheduling field mapping will be passed to ServiceScheduling. 

As a result, the definition of these fields depends on how ServiceScheduling handles the fields.

Please see the appropriate version of the ServiceScheduling sp:ApptBookRequest API for the field definitions. 

PropertyTypeRequired?DescriptionField Mappings
AssetsarrayNoAn array of Asset objects, representing properties related to items of physical equipment (i.e. assets) that need to be associated with the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request (e.g. normally, assets located at the location of the Work Item).See: Asset objectsSee:Asset  objects
BookingobjectNoA Booking object, representing details of when the Work Item is to be carried out, who will be performing the work, etc. Details of the REST Objects Appointment Offer obtained via the REST Work Item Appointment Search are included in the Booking object, as part of the process of allowing a Work Item to be created based on an appointment offer.See: Booking objectsSee Booking Objects Objects
DescstringNoA short description of the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.descdesc
Desc2stringNoAn additional field for further text describing the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.desc2desc2
FlagsobjectNoA Flags object, representing various boolean flag values to be set for the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.See: Flags objectsSee: Flags objects
FlexViewarrayNoAn array of FlexView objects, representing associated flexible "extra" items of information to be associated with the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.See FlexView objectsSee:FlexView objects
IdstringYesA unique identifier for the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.mfgId:CallNo -> OrderNumJobId
LocationobjectNoA Location object, representing the location to be associated with the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.N/AN/A

Any notes to be associated with the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.



(info) The ServiceBroker Appointment Book Object Notes field is only mapped to the ServiceScheduling moreNotes field when the moreNotes content is plain text. See the FlexView field for when the moreNotes field contains XML.

PaymentarrayNoAn array of Payment objects, representing payment information to be associated with the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.See: Payment objectsSee: Payment objects

A representation of the priority (importance) of the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.

(info) Please see the REST Objects Work Item for a definition of possible Priority property values.

TimeConstraintsarrayNoAn array of TimeConstraint objects, representing any constraints relating to when the Work Item that will be created as a result of the appointment booking request can be performed.See: TimeConstraint objectsSee: TimeConstraint objects
TypestringNoThe type of work (i.e. Job, Break or Activity) for the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.N/AN/A

A code representing the status of the Work Item that will be created as result of the appointment booking request.

(info) Please see the REST Objects Work Item for a definition of possible WorkStatus property values.

WorkTypeobjectNoA WorkType object, representing the type of work that the Work Item that will be created as a result of the appointment booking request relates to in, more detail than the Type field.See: WorkType objectSee: WorkType object