Pass Through Call to ServiceScheduling's "Update Job Finish Time" APIThis RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the ServiceScheduling sub-system's "Update Job Finish Time" API (when configured). URL Panel |
borderColor | grey |
bgColor | whitesmoke |
borderStyle | solid |
| PUT /up/v5/rest/scheduling/ChangeJobFinishTime
HTTP Request BodyThis request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the ServiceScheduling "Update Job Finish Time" APi. Code Block |
language | js |
title | UpdateJobFinishTime JSON |
collapse | true |
| {
"Id": "JobId",
"ChangeTime": "DateTime",
"Options": {
"SetStatusBack": false
} |
UpdateJobFinishTime Object PropertiesProperty | Type | Length | Description | Req? | Field Mapping: ServiceScheduling |
Id | string
| SS: 50 | Pass through parameter to the ServiceScheduling Update Job Arrival Time API. The identifier of the job to be updated. The error SP_JOBID_INVALID (1) will be returned if the supplied JobID does not exist in the ServicePower database. | Yes | jobID | ChangeTime | string
SS: spDateTime (string)
| SS: 16 | Pass through parameter to the ServiceScheduling Update Job Arrival Time API. The job's new finish date-time. Example: "2023-03-30T14:15" | Yes | finishTime
| Options | object |
| Pass through parameter to the ServiceScheduling Update Job Arrival Time API. See UpdateJobFinishTime Options Object.
| No | See UpdateJobFinishTime Options Object.
HTTP Response SuccessOn success, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceScheduling "Update Job Finish Time" API response will be returned. Code Block |
| {
"Success": true,
"Code": "0",
"Message": "",
"Payload": {
"result": {
"type": "OK",
"code": "0"
} |
Error On error, a JSON-formatted version of the ServiceScheduling "Update Job Finish Time" API response will be returned. Code Block |
| {
"Success": false,
"Code": 9,
"Payload": {
"returnCode": {
"type": "Error",
"code": "SCH Error Code"
} |
Return CodesIn addition to to the Standard Return Codes, and the possible Return Codes from ServiceScheduling Error codes, individual API calls from this API are: Expand |
Note: SP_DURATION_INVALID (12) is returned if the job’s new Finish time would be the same as or before its Arrival time.
SP_END_NOT_GT_START_TIME (31) is returned if:
- the job’s Arrival time would be earlier than its Start time, or
- the job’s Finish time would be earlier than its Start time