14.1 Configurable Terms and Internationalisation
ServiceManager ‘Static Text’
‘Static Text’ such as Summary Report headings, labels, and prompts, which are displayed on the ServiceManager pages, can be modified to suit a local language and terminology. The default values for such text strings are specified in the resource file application.properties
as a series of ‘key-value’ pairs. The default file is supplied in the WEB-INF/classes/resources
The actual resource file used by ServiceManager can be defined in one of the following ways:
‘message-resources’ definition in Struts’ configuration file (struts-config.xml) (the default setting) | <message-resources parameter="resources.application" /> |
specifying it in your web.xml file | <servlet> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <servlet-class> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet </servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name> application </param-name> <param-value> resources.application </param-value> </init-param> </servlet> |
Message text is displayed in accordance with the specific Locale of the ServiceManager user. By generating supplementary files it is possible to display messages tailored to a user’s local customs/requirements.
If a resource file of the required locale cannot be found, or a message within that file cannot be found, more generic Locales are used. For instance if the message can't be found in application_pt_br.properties (Brazilian Portuguese), the application_pt.properties file (and therefore Locale) will be searched. If the application_pt.properties file does not exist or the key is not found, the message will be retrieved from the application.properties file. Increasingly generic resource bundles are tried until the default Locale is used.
Gantt configurable terms
A number of standard terms can be configured for the Gantt (using the System Parameters screen of ServiceManager). These apply system wide. Their descriptions may be internationalised, however the terms themselves are Global irrespective of the locale of the client.
Date and time formats
Particular attention to the date and time format setup in ServiceManager is required to ensure both the correct display according to the user requirements, and for the correct operation of the system. The various date/time format definitions are included in the resource file ‘application.properties’:
# format of the date string defined by the system effective date parameter # when defined in sp083_system_parameters (parameter name eff_date) global.format.system_effective_date=dd/MM/yyyy # format of the date returned when retrieving sync_date from # the SERVICEPower sp122_work_patterns table global.format.sync_date=E dd MMM yyyy # The format in which date values should be displayed to the user # when a day mnemonic prefix (Mon, Tue, ...) should not be displayed global.format.date=dd/MM/yyyy # The format in which dates should be entered by the user global.format.date_in=dd/MM/yyyy # The format in which times should be entered by the user global.format.time_in=HH:mm # The format in which date values should be displayed to the user global.format.date_out=E dd/MM/yyyy # The format in which time values should be displayed to the user global.format.time_out=HH:mm # The format in which date-times should be entered by the user global.format.dateAndTime.in=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm # The format in which date-time values should be displayed to the user global.format.dateAndTime.out=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm # The format in which date values should be displayed to the user # when only the day mnemonic (Mon, Tue, ...) is required global.format.day_indicator=EEE