Database Connection

Database Connection

All ServiceOptimizer processes require the database connection details to be supplied on the command line, in one of the following forms:

   [ <dbUser>/<dbPassword>[@<dbHost>]                                 ] |
   [ORACLE:<dbHost>:<dbUser>:<dbPassword>                             ] |
  • The first and second variants are Oracle only; the third is MS SQL Server only.
  • If there is no password configured in the SP database then the dbPassword is also used to authenticate the database password supplied by an SP client (such as ServiceManager or ServiceGANTT).
  • Default Oracle dbHost is environment specific (specified for example by LOCAL or TWO_TASK environment variables).
  • The MS SQL Server dbInstance is only required if you are connecting to a named instance.
  • If MS SQL Server dbUser is not specified, the connection to MS SQL Server will be made as the trusted user (i.e. the operating system user). dbPassword is then not used to authenticate the ServiceScheduling connection to the database.