Admin ServiceOptimizer Change History 11.2.x

Admin ServiceOptimizer Change History 11.2.x

Document Version



Summary of Changes

11.2.02019-04-05Andrew Hill

Documentation Correction

The Admin ServiceOptimizer System Configuration Push Notifications Job Create documentation has been corrected to note that notifications are not sent on job rebooking. (The documentation previously incorrectly stated that notifications were sent on job rebooking.)

11.2.02018-11-12Andrew Hill

11.2.0 New Functionality: Job Create, Job Confirm and Job Reminder Push Notifications

A new Admin ServiceOptimizer System Configuration Push Notifications section has been added to cover new functionality which allows ServiceOptimizer to send push notifications on the creation of jobs, send push notifications on the confirmation of jobs, and also send push notifications as a reminder before jobs are scheduled to be performed.