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_API UpdateSparesStockRequest Definition

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Web Service













Optional. If not supplied, any number of <spareStock> structures may be passed in.

For backwards compatibility, if this field is supplied, the value must match the number of structures in the request, and must be <= 30, otherwise, SP_NUMLOCS_INVALID (180) will be returned.




<!-- Zero or more repetitions: -->


A list of spareStocks for an employee - only spares whose quantity has changed need to be sent; any spares not sent will keep their current quantity.

To remove a spare, send it with a quantity=0.













Identifier for the spare.

If the spareID is unknown, this API will add it to the list of known spares, as well as updating the spare stock, but if this spareID has already been used for a skill or special resource then SP_DUPLICATE_RESOURCE (803) will be returned.

Error SP_SPAREID_DUPLICATED (578) will be returned if a spareID is passed more than once.







The location of the spare. Currently, only the Vehicle value is supported, and is the default.







The EmployeeID. If it is not valid or does not exist, SP_EMPID_DOES_NOT_EXIST (231) will be returned.

If an EmployeeID is passed who is located in an FRU that is not running then SP_FRU_UNAVAILABLE (259) will be returned. The update will only succeed if all employee spares records can be updated.







The quantity of the stock currently held by the employee (in the van). The maximum permitted value is 999,999.

The start of day spares stock value is extrapolated from this and the jobs already done by the employee using spares (Cleared and LoggedOff jobs). The maximum value of the extrapolated quantity is also 999,999 and if the stock quantity passed here would make the extrapolated value exceed this value then SP_QUANTITY_INVALID (112) will be returned.








