_API JeopReportRequest Definition

_API JeopReportRequest Definition

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Web Service













A list of Final Responsibility Units (FRUs) for which work items in jeopardy are to be reported to the connected client. FRUs are separated by the ‘;’ character

If teams (below) is empty and FRUs is empty then all FRUs (and teams) are reported.

Either FRUs or teams can be specified, but not both.






A list of teams for which work items in jeopardy are to be reported to the connected client. Teams are separated by the ‘;’ character.

If FRUs (above) is empty and teams is empty then all teams (and FRUs) are reported.

Either teams or FRUs can be specified, but not both.

Since an unresourced job is not associated with a team, unresourced jobs will not be returned if a list of teams is supplied.






The timezone which the times (LatestAccess, ExpectedStart, ExpectedArrivalLatestEarliest and StateDue) returned by sp:JeopReportRequest are to be local to. It must be a POSIX timezone string (in sp056). Examples include:

  • EST5EDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0
  • IST-5.30

If not supplied, the database parameter tz_jeop_api will be used.






See the "Jeopardy States" for the optional boolean values which can be passed in as part of the statesToReport structure.

When one or more jeopardy states are set, the results of the call will be restricted to the subset of work items in jeopardy that match the conditions specified.

When no jeopardy states are set, then no filtering is applied and all available work items in jeopardy will be returned.

The jeop_check_states database parameter controls which types of jeopardy states are returned by the API. Only those Jeopardy States set via the jeop_check_states database parameter to be jeopardy states "in use" can ever be returned by the API, regardless of the value of the StatesToReport parameter passed into the API call.



















If any other options, other than those shown below, are specified, SP_OPTIONS_INVALID (80) will be returned.







If true, an unresourced work item will only be reported as being in jeopardy if the Appointment Latest time has now passed.







If true, an unresourced work item will only be reported as being in jeopardy if the Contract Latest time has now passed.







If true, a resourced work item will only be reported as being in jeopardy if the Appointment Latest time has now passed.







If true, a resourced work item will only be reported as being in jeopardy if the Contract Latest time has now passed.










If true, the day by day breakdown of jobs and standard activities that in jeopardy is returned, instead of the current snapshot view. (See the response body for more details.)

Default value is false.


The inclusive start date of the date range for which "in jeopardy" statistics should be returned.

Required field when allJeopardyStatus is true.


The inclusive end date of the date range for which "in jeopardy" statistics should be returned.

Required field when allJeopardyStatus is true.

