Account Location Object Formats
Account Location Object Properties
Required properties are in bold.
Property | Type | Description |
Address | object | The address details for the account location. |
Contacts | collection | An optional collection of contacts at the account location. |
Edited | boolean | Default value is Identifies if the mobile worker edited account location information in mobile application. Valid values are:
string | The primary email address for the account location. | |
IsActive | boolean | Default value is Identifies if the account location is active and can be used in mobile application. Valid values are:
4.3.0 |
LanguageID | string | The language code identifier associated with the account location. |
LocationNum | string | The unique account location number. |
Name | string | A simple name of the account location. |
Notes | string | General notes about the account location. |
POReq | boolean | Identifies if a purchase order number is required at the time of the visit. If this field is not present, it will default to false. |
ServiceAreaID | string | The service area the account location is associated with. 3.20.0 |
SigReq | boolean | Identifies if a signature is required to complete the work order process. The application has a default global setting related to signature capture. If this property is specified, then its value will override the system default. Valid values are:
StorageLocationID | string | The inventory storage location identifier for the account location. |