Whilst your system may be running smoothly on a day to day basis it is still necessary to review the system on a regular basis to ensure you avoid any outage situations. There is also a need to be able toi upgrade the system as new versions are released - whether that be to take new functionality, or bugfixes. It is worth reviewing this section on a regular basis to check if there are any jobs that need to be set in motion. Possible circumstances might be...
New Version Release
Do you need to upgrade your version of ServiceManager? Or perhaps un-install for some reason?
Updating/removal is covered in Updating and Removing ServiceManager.
Tomcat Management
Is your Tomcat Application Server set up for the best results?
If you need access to the Tomcat web-based administration and management applications in order to manage your system then information on how to set this up may be found in Tomcat Management.
ServiceManager User Roles & Permissions
Are the roles and permissions appropriately set up for the business?
The initial implementation may need to be updated as staff change roles/leave and new staff join. ServiceManager can be used to configure these new users - see Roles and Permissions for how to manage this.
User Guide
Does the Business require access to a User Guide for ServiceManager?
The ServiceManager online help pages also constitute the ServiceManager User Guide and may be viewed as a free-standing document. To do this the browser should be directed at the index.htm
file within the help directory located at: SVM_HOME\tomcat\webapps\SERVICEManager\help\index.htm