The value of Start should be different for each OfferAppt supplied. The first OfferAppt should contain a Start as it would in a call to OfferApptRequest. Subsequent OfferAppt will contain a Start, but should normally specify it in a relative way in either of the following formats: Relative Whole Day Appointments +n Start is interpreted as being exactly n days (operative days) after the Start in the previous OfferAppt (e.g. “+1” means exactly one day after the Start in the previous OfferAppt). >=n Start is interpreted as being at least n days after the Start in the previous OfferAppt). As an example: to get offers for 3 contiguous days from a given () date, the first Start should be that given () date and the second and third Start should both be “+1”. In both cases, n should be 1 or greater, but not so great that the search isn’t within the memory horizon. Part Day Appointments For part day appointments, where the PromSet field is used, for example, to specify a set of half day TimeBands, a relative StartDate will contain a count of a number of TimeBands instead of a number of days, i.e: +n(TBT) Start is exactly n TimeBands after (ordered by their start times) the Start in the previous OfferAppt, where TBT is the type of the TimeBands which n is counting, but is on the same day. For example, if, in the ServiceOptimizer database, there is a TimeBand type of “HD” for all half day timebands, then “+1(HD)” means half day (HD) after the Start in the previous OfferAppt, but on the same day (i.e. the first appointment is in the morning, the second in the afternoon). >=n(TBT) is similar to the above, except that Start is interpreted as being at least n time bands of type TBT after the Start in the previous OfferAppt, but not necessarily on the same day. |