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Document Information

Document TitleFS020 - ServiceOptimizer Interfaces - Version 9.3.0
 Date of IssueTBA
SupersedesNone - First Issue
Author(s)Andrew Hill
 Alan Smith
 Wendy Swann
Authority for IssueSimon Cooper
DistributionAll paper copies of the document are effectively uncontrolled unless distributed via a locally controlled route.
Change ControlResponsibility for the control and distribution of this document resides with the author who will arrange for it to be updated.

About This Document

This document describes the SOAP Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of ServiceScheduling version 9.3.0. 

Change History

Document Version



Summary of Changes Hill New Functionality: Cancelling and Rebooking of Long-Duration Jobs in a Split Dependency Group

Updated the Request Appointments SOAP API documentation to note new optional useExtraDuration offerOption to allow the extraDuration value to be used for the total duration of the job parts.

Updated the Request Appointments SOAP API documentation to note new optional IgnoreOverlapforceOption to allow overlaps to be optionally ignored when obtaining offers for long-duration jobs in a split dependency group.

Updated the Integration ServiceOptimizer Book Split Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new optional addJobs option to allow the addition of new jobs to an existing split dependency group.

Updated the Integration ServiceOptimizer Book Split Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new optional forceJobs option to allow the addition of new jobs to an existing split dependency group where an overlap with existing jobs is necessary.

Updated the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API and Book Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new functionality to optionally not cancel jobs in the Logged On state.

Updated the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note that long-duration jobs in a split dependency group that are not cancelled will not have their MuliJobID removed. Hill

Documentation Corrections

Removed incorrectly documented bookOptions of NonConsecShift, ConsecShift and ContigShift for the Book Appointment SOAP API.

Corrected incorrectly documented SetUnEarmark option for the Update Non-Appointment Job SOAP API (was documented as UnEarmark).

Corrected incorrectly documented UseAccessHours option on the Options page (was documented as UseAccHours).

Corrected incorrectly documented API method name of sp:OfferAppsMultRequest for the Request Multi-Job Appointments SOAP API (was documented as sp:ApptOfferMultRequest).

Removed incorrectly documented MultOptions of AllowEmpOT, OfferTextEmpID, DupUseEmpID, SpareIgnVanStock and OfferTextCost for the Request Multi-Job Appointments SOAP API.

Corrected incorrectly document band structure name for the Request Multi-Job Appointments SOAP API (was documented as promBand).

Corrected incorrectly documented NoLocalKnowledge force option for the Request Appointments SOAP API (was documented as IgnoreLocalKnowledge).

Corrected incorrectly documented IntrayWithSkill option on the Options page (was documented as IntrayWithSkills). Hill

Documentation Corrections

Corrected use of a different API method name in the description for the Get Employee Jobs SOAP API.

Corrected use of SP_EMP_NO_SHIFT_ASS (271) as return code for the Force Fix Job Operative SOAP API.

Corrected use of should vs. must for the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API.

Removed a deprecated C API from the Update Standard Activity SOAP API documentation.


Andrew Hill

Documentation Corrections

Corrected the Book Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API to note that the targJobsTime parameter of the jobDep section is actually a required, not optional, field.

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ServicePower makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, by or with respect to anything in this document, and shall not be liable for any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or for any indirect, special or consequential damages.

Confidentiality and Copyright

This document contains information confidential to ServicePower Technologies plc. This information is patented under European Patent Number 97301142.2-2201 (Appointment booking and scheduling system). The information is supplied by ServicePower Technologies plc on the understanding that it will not be used in any way which is or may be detrimental to the commercial interests of ServicePower Technologies plc. In particular, the contents may not be disclosed in part or in whole to any other party without the prior written consent of ServicePower Technologies plc.

Copyright in this document remains vested in ServicePower Technologies plc and no copies may be made of this document or any part thereof except with the agreement of the company.

Copyright © 2002-2023, ServicePower plc

All rights reserved.

GOVERNMENT RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in the applicable ServicePower license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14, as applicable.

"ServicePower" and ServicePower’s products are trademarks of ServicePower Technologies plc. References to other companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purpose only.


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