14.1 sp403_component_states_audit

14.1 sp403_component_states_audit

The history of changes for a Monitored Component (process) is also stored in the database to give an audit. Every change of state is logged in this table. The table is periodically cleared of old logging data by the SPDB_tidy housekeeping script, so the customer is able to configure how much history to keep. The table stores the 'before' and 'after' values from sp402_component_states. 


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Audit group.


Table Definition

component_nonumber (error)
sequence_nonumber (error)
timestampdate (error)
user_idvarchar2(50) (tick)
old_statusnumber (tick)
new_statusnumber (tick)
old_pidnumber (tick)
new_pidnumber (tick)


Column Descriptions

component_no Component identifer.
sequence_no For ordering queries- several events may happen at the same time.
timestampTime at which the change happened (Uses the time zone of the DBMS server machine).
user_idRequesting user for change (for starting/shutdown on command from administrator).
old_statusOld value for what the process is currently doing e.g. starting/initialising/stopping etc. 
new_statusNew value for what the process is currently doing e.g. starting/initialising/stopping etc.
old_pidOld value for PID of the process currently running for this component.
new_pid New value for PID of the process currently running for this component.

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