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14.1 sp214_application_permissions

This table specifies the level of access provided for each user profile.


Table Definition

profilevarchar2(10)   (error)
operationvarchar2(30)  (error)
privilegevarchar2(5)  (error)
default_privilegevarchar2(5)  (error)


primary key (profile, function)

foreign key (profile) references 14.1 sp084_user_profiles(profile)

Column Descriptions

profileUser's profile.
operationFunction / window name

Character string indicating privileges granted with respect to the specified function/window and the user's own responsibility unit or work location (as identified in sp088). The string may contain one or more of the following characters:

I - Insert; new records may be created

D - Delete; records may be deleted

M - Modify; records may be updated

V - View; records may be viewed

S - Select; records may be selected (in the user interface)

default_privilegeCharacter string indicating privileges granted with respect to the specified function/window and responsibility units or work locations other than the user's own. The format of the string is as described above for privilege.