14.1 sp500_gantt_audit

14.1 sp500_gantt_audit

This table provides an audit trail of all changes made via the Gantt.


This table is tidied by sp_dbtidy's Audit group.


Table Definition

timestampdate (error)
sequencenumber (error)
usernamevarchar2(256) (error)
osuservarchar2(50) (error)
machinevarchar2(64) (error)
resp_unit_refvarchar2(8) (tick)
actionvarchar2(20) (error)
activity_nonumber(9) (tick)
activity_typenumber(2) (tick)
job_refvarchar2(50) (tick)
employee_refvarchar2(25) (tick)
namevarchar2(30) (error)
old_valuevarchar2(50) (tick)
new_valuevarchar2(50) (tick)
transaction_idnumber(9) (tick)


foreign key (action) references sp501_gantt_actions (action)

Column Descriptions

timestampDate and time at which these details were saved. Uses the time zone in sp083.tz_ts_gantt_audit, or sysdate if this is empty/null. 
sequenceUnique identifier : the sequence number of the action. 
usernameDBMS user.
osuser Gantt client's login name (sp085_users.user_id).
machine Hostname or IP address of machine being used by osuser.
resp_unit_refName of responsibility unit. 
actionThe type of action that has occurred. 
activity_noIf acting on a job or Standard Activity, a number identifying the current activity. 
activity_type If acting on a job or Standard Activity, the type of activity being processed (as in sp105.activity_type).
job_refJob identifier (as in sp111.job_ref) if a job is being acted on. 
employee_refAs in sp210_employees.employee_ref. If a job or Standard Activity is being moved to a new employee, this will be the reference for the new employee. 
name The name of a field with a changed value.
old_valueThe value of the named field before the action. Format of date/times as in sp083.tz_fm_gantt_audit. Override times shown in the employee's time zone. All other times shown in the Responsibility Unit's time zone. 

The value of the named field after the action. Format and time zone as for old_value. 

See SP599_TRANSACTION_AUDIT for details.