

Sets of job attribute modifications that can be used to alter a job's existing attributes on the Gantt's Call Confirm dialog.


Table Definition

descriptionvarchar2(30)   (error)
earliest_adjustmentnumber(4)   (error)
latest_adjustmentnumber(4)  (error)
earliest_roundingnumber(2)  (error)
is_emp_mandatorynumber(1)  (error)
importance_value_usenumber(1)  (error)
importance_valuenumber(1)  (error)
priority_value_usenumber(1)  (error)
priority_valuenumber(2)  (error)
field_idvarchar2(100)  (error)


Column Descriptions

descriptionDepreciated - Unique description  
earliest_adjustment Number of minutes added to the job's ETA to form the job's proposed new access/ appointment earliest time. If 0, defaults to the job's current access/appointment earliest time. Should be <= 0.  
latest_adjustmentNumber of minutes added to the job's proposed new access/appointment earliest time to form the job's proposed new access/ appointment latest time. If 0, defaults to the job's current access/appointment latest time.Should be >= 0.
earliest_roundingWhen the earliest adjustment is subtracted from the ETA, the resulting time is rounded up to the nearest multiple of earliest_rounding minutes. The direction of rounding depends on the sign of earliest_rounding. A negative sign means round down. A positive sign means round up. Zero means no rounding.
is_emp_mandatoryIndicates whether the job's employee requirements should be updated to set the employee currently set to this job mandatory (replacing any existing employee for this). 0 = no modification is made.1 = the employee will be made mandatory.

Indicates how importance_value is applied.

0 = no change is made.

1 = importance_value is applied as a decrement.

2 = importance_value is applied as an increment.

3 = importance value is applied as a replacement.

importance_valueJob importance value for application as specified by importance_value_use.

Indicates how priority value is applied.

0 = no change is made.

1 = priority_value is applied as a decrement.

2 = priority_value is applied as an increment.

3 = priority_value is applied as a replacement.

priority_valueJob priority value for application as specified by priority_value_use.
field_idKey to language translation for description.

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