

Each record in this table represents a team - that is, a grouping of crews and individuals for display and reporting purposes. (Crews are groupings of individuals for scheduling purposes, so a crew is a schedulable entity. A team is not a schedulable entity.)


Table Definition

team_nonumber(9)  (error) 
team_typevarchar2(4)  (error) 
team_namevarchar2(40)  (error)
is_capacity_per_opnumber(1)  (error) 
capacity_release_modenumber(1)   1(error) 
capacity_release_time  varchar2(4)  (tick)
capacity_release_daysnumber(3)  0(error) 


Primary key (team_no)
Unique (team_name)
Foreign key (team_type) references sp251_team_types (team_type)

Primary Key Referenced From


Column Descriptions

team_noServiceOptimizer unique identifier . 
team_type Team type 
team_nameTeam name 
is_capacity_per_op  Determines whether capacity for this team is checked for the whole team (value 0) or individually for the operatives in the team (value 1). This value is only relevant if the FRU has capacity checking per-team enabled (reference sp083 parameter 'fru_capacity_checking_value'). 

Indicates whether capacity checking is disabled (that is, capacity is "released") at a particular time of day today. Only effective if sp083 parameter fru_capacity_checking_unit is "Team".

0 = Capacity is not released today in this team

1 = FRU-level capacity release configuration is used to determine capacity release for this team.

2 = A specific capacity release time is configured for this team. See capacity_release_time. 

capacity_release_timeTime of day today at which capacity is released (format is "HHmm"). See capacity_release_mode.  
capacity_release_days Days in advance to release capacity.