Admin ServiceManager Overview
On This Page:
The purpose of this guide is to provide details of the required infrastructure for ServiceManager and supply information on how to deploy and configure ServiceManager in accordance with customers’ specific ServiceScheduling installation, infrastructure, and usage requirement.
This guide is for the use of anyone responsible for the System Administration of the ServiceManager component of the ServiceScheduling product.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with the system facilities of your particular installation, (which might include ORACLE, SQL Server, PCs, and Microsoft Windows), and with the procedures involved in carrying out general system administration tasks, and also with ServiceScheduling terminology as described in reference [4]. Additionally it is expected that the user of this guide will be familiar with the terminology and concepts involved in deploying (J2EE) web applications.
About this Guide
This guide takes you through the life cycle of a ServiceManager Instance, from Setting Up a new Instance through Business as Usual to Handling Errors and Support Issues. Each of these sections references the Further Detail sections and, if you are a practiced administrator of the instance, you may find the index of detailed items in Further Detail easier to use to navigate yourself to the information you require. However, it is wise to comeback to the basics every now and again. Setting Up a new Instance may also be used when you are upgrading your system, to ensure the upgrade is fit for purpose.
If there are any issues, or omissions, within the guide, please use Contacting ServicePower Support to let us know.