Admin ServiceOptimizer System Configuration Travel Time Estimates
Job Location
In order for travel time estimates to work, the location of jobs needs to be available to ServiceScheduling. This can happen in one of two ways:
- When a job is booked with a valid address code (either a Zip Code, Post Code or other ServiceScheduling supported address code), then the ServiceScheduling travel time estimate system will translate the address code into a Latitude/Longitude Pair (LLP), using internal conversion tables which will be set up during the installation of ServiceScheduling by a ServicePower Consultant.
- The travel time estimate system will use an exact address code to LLP translation if possible, otherwise, where an LLP is not known for the exact address, the LLP of the address code region will be used.
- Otherwise, if no valid address code can be supplied, then the job must be booked with specific Latitude and Longitude values.
Travel Matrix
Travel Matrix File
The initial estimate of travel time between locations is generated from a Travel Matrix file.
The Travel Matrix file used for this defined by the sp083_system_parameters
database table's travel_matrix
system parameter, which references the Travel Matrix file supplied with ServiceScheduling, covering your particular geography.
See Install ServiceOptimizer Deploying ServiceOptimizer Installing the Travel Matrix for further details on setting up the Travel Matrix.
Region to Region vs. Same Region Travel Time Estimates
Travel Matrix based initial estimates of travel time are categorized in one of two ways:
- Where the two locations are in different regions, this is known as a "region to region" travel time estimate.
- Where the two locations are both in the same region, this is known as a "same region" travel time estimate.
This categorization is relevant in terms of modifying or overriding Travel Matrix based estimates, as per the "Modifying Travel Time Estimates" and "Overriding Travel Matrix Time Estimates" sections below.
Modifying Travel Time Estimates
When desired, it is possible to modify initial Travel Matrix estimates of travel time via the use of the following sp083_system_parameters
database table parameters.
Parameter | Description |
| A fixed addition of time (in minutes) for all travel values used in the system. |
| A multiplier for all "region to region" travel values. |
| A multiplier for all "same region" travel values. |
The values of these parameters are used to modify travel time estimates as described below.
Description | Formula |
"Region to region" travel time estimates | (value_from_matrix_file + travel_overhead) * travel_multiplier |
"Same region" travel time estimates | ((sp083_system_parameters.same_postcode_travel * internal_travel_multiplier) + travel_overhead) * travel_multiplier |
Modified travel time estimates using the above formulas are not used when the travel time estimate is obtained from a user-defined override of the Travel Matrix estimate (see "Overriding Travel Matrix Time Estimates" below).
This is because it is assumed that where a specific override value is provided for a travel time estimate, this estimate has been estimated as desired, and so travel overhead and multiplier values should not be applied.
Overriding Travel Matrix Travel Time Estimates
Where found to be necessary, it is possible to override either the estimated travel times or the journey type (profile) for any journey using ServiceManager. Modifications to travel times and profiles do not update the Travel Matrix itself, but update fields in the ServiceScheduling database.
This approach is taken so that:
- User specified Travel Matrix travel time estimate overrides are retained whenever the Travel Matrix file itself is re-issued to incorporate updates; and
- If a problem arises, it is easier to trace whether there is an error in ServicePower supplied Travel Matrix file or in user supplied travel time estimate overrides.
Overriding "Region to Region" Travel Time Estimates
A Travel Matrix "region to region" travel time estimate can be overridden for any pair of regions by adding a value to the sp014_travel_overrides
database table travel_time
field, where the columns region_no1
and region_no2
reference the relevant two regions.
Similarly, the travel profile for can be overridden for any pair of regions by adding a value to the sp014_travel_overrides
database table travel_profile
field, where the columns region_no1
and region_no2
reference the relevant two regions.
Overriding "Same Region" Travel Time Estimates
A Travel Matrix "same region" travel time estimate can be overridden for any region by adding a value to the sp057_regions
database table internal_travel_time
field for the record corresponding to the relevant region.
Similarly, the travel profile can be overridden for any region by adding a value to the sp057_regions
database table sp057_regions.internal_journey_type
field for the record corresponding to the relevant region.
Please note that overriding travel time estimate values for the same region are only used when the value is less than the default value.
Same region travel time estimates that are greater than or equal to the default value will not be used.
Point to Point (P2P)
When enabled, the more accurate "point to point" estimate of travel time between locations is generated by Here Maps. A license to use Here Maps will need to be set up by ServicePower Consultants.
The use of RJServer for Point to Point travel time estimates is no longer supported.
- When a job is scheduled, the FRU's P2P cache file is checked for a point-to-point travel time estimate between the two location LLP values.
- If a P2P travel time estimate for the two specific location LLP values exists in the cache file, then this P2P travel time estimate value is used.
- If a P2P travel time estimate for the two specific location LLP values does not exist in the cache file, then:
- The standard "region to region" travel time estimate from the Travel Matrix is used (see above); and
- A request is made to the configured P2P travel time server to get the P2P travel time estimate. When a reply is received, the FRU's P2P cache file is updated. Consequently, on the next re-layout of the schedule, the P2P travel time estimate will be used.
The FRU's P2P cache file is a continually growing file, as more and more "point to point" travel time estimates stored. One file is created per FRU, and the times for each specific journey are never re-evaluated - currently the only way to force that is to delete the file.
Configuring Point to Point Travel Time Estimates
To enable the P2P travel time system, the following system parameters need to be set up by ServicePower Consultants for the customer. They can either be set globally in the sp083_system_parameters
database table, or for specific FRUs in the sp213_scheduler_parameters
database table, where indicated as being FRU level configurable.
Parameter | Description | FRU Level Configurable? |
| Enable/disable the P2P travel time estimate system. Valid values:
| Yes |
| The directory/folder where FRU P2P cache files will be created. The directory/folder must exist. P2P cache files will be created as Must be set if the P2P travel time estimate system has been configured (at any level). | No
| The name of a Here Maps server that will be queried for P2P time travel estimates, corresponding to a configured server name in the Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the P2P time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
| The number of seconds between the start of each run of the P2P updater thread to check for required P2P travel time estimates. Has an initial value of 20 seconds. Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the P2P time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
| The number of P2P travel time estimate requests which are required to trigger a scan by the P2P updater thread. Has an initial value of 0, and a maximum permitted value of 2000. Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the P2P time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
postcode_retry_count | The number of times a query to the P2P server will be retried on failure. Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the P2P time travel estimate system has been enabled. The same value is also used for RTT query retries, when the RTT time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
For users upgrading from versions prior to ServiceScheduling 11.1, please note that the rjs_retry_count
parameter has replaced by the postcode_retry_count
parameter. The rjs_retry_count
parameter is no longer required.
Real Time Travel (RTT)
When enabled, the most accurate "real time travel" estimate of travel time between locations is generated by Here Maps. A license to use Here Maps will need to be set up by ServicePower Consultants.
- When the start travel time of an Earmarked or Contacted job comes within the RTT update lead time from the current time, it is selected for RTT time retrieval - unless it has already had its RTT Travel Time set, or is a No Travel job.
- A request is made to the RTT travel time server for the current travel time estimate between the two location LLP values.
- If the request is successful, the RTT Travel Time for the job is set.
If the RTT Travel Time is set on a job, it will be used as the travel time.
Additionally, the RTT Travel Home will be set up for the last job of a technician's day when the job is set to Logged Off or Cleared.
Configuring Real Time Travel Time Estimates
To enable the RTT travel time system, the following system parameters need to be set up by ServicePower Consultants for the customer. They can either be set globally in the sp083_system_parameters
database vale, or for specific FRUs in the sp213_optimizer
database table, where indicated as being FRU level configurable.
Parameter | Description | FRU Level Configurable? |
| Enable/disable the RTT travel time estimate system. Valid values:
| Yes |
| The name of a Here Maps server that will be queried for RTT time travel estimates, corresponding to a configured server name in the Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the RTT time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
| The number of seconds between the start of each run of the RTT updater thread to check for required RTT travel time estimates. Has an initial value of 20 seconds. Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the RTT time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
postcode_rtt_update_lead | A job will be eligible for selection for RTT set up when its start time (start of travel) gets within the range of Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the RTT time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
postcode_retry_count | The number of times a query to the RTT server will be retried on failure. Must be set either globally or for all FRUs where the RTT time travel estimate system has been enabled. The same value is also used for P2P query retries, when the P2P time travel estimate system has been enabled. | Yes |
Unsetting RTT Travel Time Values
Jobs that have an RTT Travel Time set will have this value unset under the following conditions:
- When a job is moved - either for the same technician or between technicians - such that it has a different start time.
- When a job changes in any way that results in it becoming un-earmarked.
- When a job is manually un-earmarked.
- When a job is deallocated
- When the job's start location changes e.g. another job is inserted before the job.
Actual Travel Time
In all cases, when a job actually starts and moves to the Logged On status, the travel time for the job will be set to the actual travel time taken, regardless of the source of the time travel estimate that was in place at the time for the job.