GetRequestForAuthorization RESTified API

GetRequestForAuthorization RESTified API


A pass-through API to Dispatch (when configured) which allows the Dispatch's "Get Request for Authorization" API to be called.          

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Resource URL Summary

Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Get Request for Authorization" API  

POST /up/v5/serviceAuthorizations/_query    

HTTP Headers

This API uses the standard ServiceBroker HTTP Headers.

API Specifics  

Pass Through Call to Dispatch's "Get Request for Authorization" API

This RESTified API will perform a pass-through call to the Dispatch sub-system's "Get Request for Authorization" API (when configured).


POST /up/v5/serviceAuthorizations/_query

HTTP Request Body

This request requires a JSON object supplied in the HTTP request body, which defines the parameters that will be passed through to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.

GetRequestForAuthorization Object Format

    "ManufacturerName": "DEMO",
    "Id": "31473",
    "FromChangedOn": 202002021200,
    "ToChangedOn": 202002121200

GetRequestForAuthorization Object Properties

PropertyTypeRequired?DescriptionDispatch Field Mapping

Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.

IdstringNoPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Id

Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.


Pass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.


HTTP Response


On success, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API response will be returned.

GetRequestForAuthorization Response Object Format

    "Success": true,
    "Code": 0,
    "Message": "OK",
    "Payload": {
        "MoreCallsExist": "N",
        "Requests": [
                "OtherInfo": {
                    "DaysOwned": 2799,
                    "CostEffectiveToRepair": "N",
                    "AdditionalManRequired": "N",
                    "LaborInWarranty": "N",
                    "OemAuthorizedWithManufacturer": "N",
                    "EstimatedHoursOnJob": 0,
                    "IsProductRepaired": "N",
                    "EstimatedMinutesOnJob": 2,
                    "WhyHigherRate": "",
                    "PickUpUnitRequired": "N",
                    "ModificationsOccurred": "Y"
                "ServicerInfo": {
                    "ServicerZipInProfile": "N",
                    "ServicerOemAuthorized": "N",
                    "ServicerProductInProfile": "N",
                    "ServicerOnSite": "N",
                    "AssignedServicerId": "FSSTEST2"
                "ManufacturerName": "DEMO",
                "CustomerInfo": {
                    "Zip": "20878",
                    "LastName": "TEST",
                    "Address": "379 WSIDE DR APT 101",
                    "City": "GAITHERSBURG",
                    "FirstName": "CLAIMS",
                    "Phone": 5022710372,
                    "WorkPhone": 0,
                    "State": "MD",
                    "CellPhone": 5022710372
                "ProductInfo": {
                    "PurchaseDate": 20130808,
                    "Product": "Refrigerator",
                    "DealerName": "LG",
                    "SerialNumber": "523692729772",
                    "NewSerialNumber": "",
                    "NewModel": "AH100790",
                    "NewBrand": "GE",
                    "Model": "AH100790",
                    "Brand": "GE"
                "CoreInfo": {
                    "AdditionalDaysToFileClaim": 0,
                    "JobCode": "J",
                    "RepeatCall": "N",
                    "AgreementNumber": "DEALER1",
                    "RfaStatusCode": "OPN",
                    "RfaStatus": "Open"
                "AuditInfo": {
                    "ApprovedBy": "",
                    "CreatedOn": 20201207085500,
                    "ChangedOn": 20201218084700,
                    "ApprovedOn": 0,
                    "CreatedBy": "FSSTEST2",
                    "ChangedBy": "MUPMAN"
                "ProblemInfo": {
                    "CustomerNotes": "TEST",
                    "FaultCode": "",
                    "FaultDescription": "",
                    "RepairDescription": "TEST"
                "Amounts": {
                    "RequestedOtherTax": 0,
                    "RequestedPartsTax": 0,
                    "RequestedTotal": 150,
                    "PreAuthorizedAmount": 0,
                    "AuthorizedLabor": 0,
                    "AuthorizedTax": 0,
                    "AuthorizedLaborTax": 0,
                    "AuthorizedFreight": 0,
                    "AuthorizedMiles": 0,
                    "AuthorizedPartsTax": 0,
                    "RequestedMileage": 0,
                    "RequestedLabor": 150,
                    "AuthorizedParts": 0,
                    "RequestedTravel": 0,
                    "AuthorizedShipping": 0,
                    "AuthorizedMileage": 0,
                    "RequestedParts": 0,
                    "RequestedTax": 0,
                    "AuthorizedOther": 0,
                    "AuthorizedTravel": 0,
                    "RequestedOther": 0,
                    "RequestedRatePerMile": 0,
                    "RequestedShipping": 0,
                    "RequestedFreight": 0,
                    "AuthorizedOtherTax": 0,
                    "RequestedLaborTax": 0,
                    "RequestedMiles": 0,
                    "AuthorizedTotal": 0
                "CallNumber": "31473",
                "ApprovalRejectInfo": {
                    "ReasonDescription": "",
                    "ReasonCode": "",
                    "ApprovedOrAdditionalInformationRequestNotes": ""
                "ParentRequestNumber": ""
        "ResponseCode": "OK"

GetRequestForAuthorization Response Object Properties

SuccessbooleanPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Success
CodeintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Code
MessagestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Message
PayloadobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Payload

MoreCallsExiststringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.MoreCallsExist

RequestsarrayPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Requests

OtherInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.OtherInfo

DaysOwnedintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.DaysOwned

CostEffectiveToRepairstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CostEffectiveToRepair

AdditionalManRequiredstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AdditionalManRequired

LaborInWarrantystringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.LaborInWarranty

OemAuthorizedWithManufacturerstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.OemAuthorizedWithManufacturer

EstimatedHoursOnJobintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.EstimatedHoursOnJob

IsProductRepairedstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.IsProductRepaired

EstimatedMinutesOnJobintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.EstimatedMinutesOnJob

WhyHigherRatestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.WhyHigherRate

PickUpUnitRequiredstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.PickUpUnitRequired

ModificationsOccurredstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ModificationsOccurred

ServicerInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ServicerInfo

ServicerZipInProfilestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ServicerZipInProfile

ServicerOemAuthorizedstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ServicerOemAuthorized

ServicerProductInProfilestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ServicerProductInProfile

ServicerOnSitestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ServicerOnSite

AssignedServicerIdstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AssignedServicerId

ManufacturerNamestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ManufacturerName

CustomerInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CustomerInfo

ZipstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Zip

LastNamestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.LastName

AddressstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Address

CitystringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.City

FirstNamestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.FirstName

PhoneintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Phone

WorkPhoneintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.WorkPhone

StatestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.State

CellPhoneintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CellPhone

ProductInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ProductInfo

PurchaseDateintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.PurchaseDate

ProductstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Product

DealerNamestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.DealerName

SerialNumberstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.SerialNumber

NewSerialNumberstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.NewSerialNumber

NewModelstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.NewModel

NewBrandstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.NewBrand

ModelstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Model

BrandstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Brand

CoreInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CoreInfo

AdditionalDaysToFileClaimintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AdditionalDaysToFileClaim

JobCodestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.JobCode

RepeatCallstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RepeatCall

AgreementNumberstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AgreementNumber

RfaStatusCodestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RfaStatusCode

RfaStatusstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RfaStatus

AuditInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuditInfo

ApprovedBystringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ApprovedBy

CreatedOnintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CreatedOn

ChangedOnintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ChangedOn

ApprovedOnintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ApprovedOn

CreatedBystringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CreatedBy

ChangedBystringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ChangedBy

ProblemInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ProblemInfo

CustomerNotesstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CustomerNotes

FaultCodestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.FaultCode

FaultDescriptionstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.FaultDescription

RepairDescriptionstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RepairDescription

AmountsobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.Amounts

RequestedOtherTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedOtherTax

RequestedPartsTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedPartsTax

RequestedTotalintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedTotal

PreAuthorizedAmountintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.PreAuthorizedAmount

AuthorizedLaborintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedLabor

AuthorizedTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedTax

AuthorizedLaborTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedLaborTax

AuthorizedFreightintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedFreight

AuthorizedMilesintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedMiles

AuthorizedPartsTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedPartsTax

RequestedMileageintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedMileage

RequestedLaborintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedLabor

AuthorizedPartsintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedParts

RequestedTravelintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedTravel

AuthorizedShippingintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedShipping

AuthorizedMileageintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedMileage

RequestedPartsintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedParts

RequestedTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedTax

AuthorizedOtherintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedOther

AuthorizedTravelintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedTravel

RequestedOtherintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedOther

RequestedRatePerMileintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedRatePerMile

RequestedShippingintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedShipping

RequestedFreightintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedFreight

AuthorizedOtherTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedOtherTax

RequestedLaborTaxintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedLaborTax

RequestedMilesintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.RequestedMiles

AuthorizedTotalintegerPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.AuthorizedTotal

CallNumberstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.CallNumber

ApprovalRejectInfoobjectPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ApprovalRejectInfo

ReasonDescriptionstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ReasonDescription

ReasonCodestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ReasonCode

ApprovedOrAdditionalInformationRequestNotesstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ApprovedOrAdditionalInformationRequestNotes

ParentRequestNumberstringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ParentRequestNumber

ResponseCodestringPass through parameter to the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API.ResponseCode


On error, a JSON-formatted version of the Dispatch "Get Request for Authorization" API response will be returned.

    "Success": false,
    "Code": 9,
    "Payload": {
        "returnCode": {
            "type": "Error",
            "message": "Dispatch Error Code"

Return Codes

In addition to the  Standard Return Codesthere are Dispatch Error codes.

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