Inventory Usage Export API


The Inventory Usage API returns zero or more transactions related to how an inventory location was adjusted. Inventory usage transactions can come from parts being used or returned on a work order, inventory transfers, accepting an inventory load, and adjustments made during a physical inventory count. This API is the preferred way to monitor a storage locations inventory changes.

Resource URL Summary

Return a collection of updates made to Inventory Usage Objects

GET /seiapi/v3/export/InventoryUsage?rowver=${rowverValue}&limit=${limitValue}

API Specific Parameters

${rowverValue}Specifies the starting point where objects should be returned from. The first object returned will be the next object after the specified rowver.
${limitValue}Specifies the maximum number of objects to be returned.

HTTP Headers

This API uses the default ServiceMobility HTTP Headers.

API Specifics

Return a collection of updates made to Inventory Usage Objects

This REST API will return a collection of updates made to Inventory Usage Objects.


GET /seiapi/v3/export/InventoryUsage?rowver=${rowverValue}&limit=${limitValue}

HTTP Request Body

This request does not require a request body. 

HTTP Response Body

On success, an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain a collection of zero of more Inventory Usage Objects.

JSON Format
    "rowver" : "",
    "rows" : [
     		"rowver" : "",
			"InventoryUsage" : {
               //  Inventory Usage JSON object properties

Otherwise, on error, the API returns the standard response object.