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Requesting Appointments

Arranging an appointment that is satisfactory to both the end customer and to the business is a compromise. From the customer’s point of view, the more specific the promised arrival time the better. From the business point of view, the situation is just the opposite: maximum flexibility and lowest costs can be achieved by making the least specific promise possible.


Band Name

Start Time

End Time

Band Type






The Time Band name ‘D’ is short for ‘day’. The Time Band type ‘D’ is the same.





The Time Band name ‘M’ is short for ‘morning’. The Time Band type ‘H’ is short for ‘half-day’.





The Time Band name ‘A’ is short for ‘afternoon’. The Time Band type ‘H’ is short for ‘half-day’.





The Time Band name ‘08’ is short for ‘the time slot starting at 08:00’. The Time Band type ‘2’ is short for ‘2 hour duration’.





The Time Band name ‘10’ is short for ‘the time slot starting at 10:00’. The Time Band type ‘2’ is again short for ‘2 hour duration’.






Promise Sets

Packaging is based on the use of lists of Time Bands called Promise Sets. When ServiceOptimizer is requested to offer some appointments, a Promise Set is supplied. If an employee is available to work on a job starting at a particular time, and if that time is between the start time and end time of one or more Time Bands in the Promise Set, then those Time Bands are returned as the promises to be offered to the customer. The other important part of packaging is that any duplicate promises are discarded.


When appointments (promises) are requested, one of the parameters to the Request Appointments SOAP APInumReq, is the number of appointments required. It represents the number of promises required of the particular Time Band type given in the parameter numReqType.

In the previous example, if numReq was given the value 1, and numReqType was D, then all three promises would be returned.


The Request Appointments SOAP API numReq parameter only limits the number of appointments returned of the Time Band type requested by the numReqType parameter.

Any other appointments found as a result of the Promise Sets requested via the promSet parameter will not be discarded, and will returned along with the limited set of appointments.

Thus, in the above example, three appointments found (Band D with Type D, Band M with Type H and Band A with Type H), the single appointment with type D does not need to be restricted, based on a request for numReq of 1 with numReqType of D; while no restrictions are applied to the other appointments of type H; so, all three appointments are returned.


This way of using the numReq and numReqType parameters is necessary because a Promise Set can contain Time Bands of different types. When this is the case, it is difficult to know how big to make the array supplied to the Integration ServiceOptimizer Request Appointments SOAP API to contain the offers returned. In the worst possible case, if numReq has the value N, and the number of Time Bands in the Promise Set requested is M, the number of offered appointments will be N×M.
