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The sp:DispResultRequest API method can be used to confirm that a given job has been dispatched.


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The sp:DispResultRequest API method can be used to confirm that a given job has been dispatched.


When a client application has found the details of the


next Work Item to be dispatched by a call to the Integration ServiceOptimizer Get Dispatchable Jobs and Activities Queue SOAP API it will normally then attempt to send those details to the operative concerned.

Whether or not that attempt was successful needs to be indicated back to ServiceOptimizer. Once the success of job dispatch has been confirmed, the job won’t be dispatched again. 


The definition of this API is:

Include Page
_API DispResultRequest Definition
_API DispResultRequest Definition

Return Structure

The API returns the standard return structure.

Return Codes

In addition to the Standard Return Codes, the possible Return Codes from this API are:

Include Page
_API DispResultRequest Return Codes
_API DispResultRequest Return Codes