Document Information
Document Title | FS020 - ServiceOptimizer Interfaces - Version 9.3.0 | |
Document | Status | Definitive |
Issue | | |
Date of Issue | 2015-07-31 | |
Reference | RL9.3.0 | |
Supersedes | None - First Issue | |
Author(s) | Andrew Hill | |
Alan Smith | ||
Wendy Swann | ||
Authority for Issue | Simon Cooper | |
Distribution | All paper copies of the document are effectively uncontrolled unless distributed via a locally controlled route. | |
Change Control | Responsibility for the control and distribution of this document resides with the author who will arrange for it to be updated. |
About This Document
This document describes the SOAP Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of ServiceScheduling version 9.3.0.
Change History
Document Version | Date | Author(s) | Summary of Changes | | 2015-07-23 | Andrew Hill | New Functionality: Cancelling and Rebooking of Long-Duration Jobs in a Split Dependency Group Updated the Request Appointments SOAP API documentation to note new optional Updated the Request Appointments SOAP API documentation to note new optional Updated the Book Split Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new optional Updated the Book Split Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new optional Updated the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API and Book Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note new functionality to optionally not cancel jobs in the Updated the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API documentation to note that long-duration jobs in a split dependency group that are not cancelled will not have their | | 2015-07-23 | Andrew Hill | Documentation Corrections Removed incorrectly documented Corrected incorrectly documented Corrected incorrectly documented Corrected incorrectly documented API method name of Removed incorrectly documented Corrected incorrectly document Corrected incorrectly documented Corrected incorrectly documented | | 2015-07-22 | Andrew Hill | Documentation Corrections Corrected use of a different API method name in the description for the Get Employee Jobs SOAP API. Corrected use of Corrected use of should vs. must for the Cancel Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API. Removed a deprecated C API from the Update Standard Activity SOAP API documentation. | | 2015-07-21 | Andrew Hill | Documentation Corrections Corrected the Book Dependency Group Jobs SOAP API to note that the |
About This Document
This guide is for the use of anyone responsible for using the ServiceOptimizer SOAP APIs to integrate other systems with ServiceScheduling.