Info | ||
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Product is a general term used to refer to a line item in a product catalog. A product does not have to represent a physical item and could instead refer to a travel charge or labor code. Products are classified (grouped) by type and sub-type codes. When working with discounts you identify what product types and/or sub-types are applicable to the discount. See: REST System Categories Product Types |
Percentage Based Discounts
Discounts can be calculated as a percentage of the total dollar amount for the product types/sub-types listed in the discount object. If the percentage discount is associated with a product type, then the discount will also apply to all sub-types unless the sub-type has a specific percentage discount override.
Maximum Discount Limits
Maximum discounts limits can be set for specific product types/sub-types with the MaxDiscounts
object. When dealing with maximum discounts, you can provide both a fixed maximum dollar amount or percentage. If both are provided the lesser of the two calculated values will be used.
Discount Object Formats
Include Page _Discounts Object Formats _Discounts Object Formats
Discount Object Properties
Required properties are in bold.
Property | Value | Description | ||||
ID | string | Optional property. This property uniquely identifies the discount object.
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Desc | string | Contains a human readable description of the discount. | ||||
ProdTypes | collectionobject | Contains one or more objects each describing the discount for the specific product type and/or sub-type the discount applies to. Examples | ||||
${ProdType[.SubType]} | string | Identifies the product type and/or sub-type the discount applies to. The Examples
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IsApplied | boolean | Specifies if the discount can be applied. The application can be configured to allow the technician to selectively apply or remove discounts. Valid values are:
If this property is not specified then the default value is
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Percentage | decimal | Specifies a percentage based discount. | ||||
Fixed | decimal | Identifies the fixed discount amount that can be applied for the specified product type/sub-type. | ||||
Delete | boolean | Optional property. This property is used during a PATCH request to remove specific items. This property will never be returned during a GET request.
MaxDiscount Object Properties
Property | Value | Description | ||||
MaxFixed | decimal | Identifies the maximum fixed discount amount that can be applied for the specified product type/sub-type.
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MaxPercentage | decimal | Identifies the maximum percentage dollar value that can be applied for the specified product type/sub-type.