"en": {
"dateTimePatterns": {
"AttributeDateTime": "M d g:i A",
"CalendarBarDate": "M j Y",
"CalendarBarEnd": "M d Y",
"CalendarBarStart": "M d",
"FullDateTime": "l, F d, Y g:i:s A",
"LongDate": "l, F d, Y",
"LongDay": "l",
"PickerDate": "m/d/y",
"PickerTime": "h:i A",
"ShortDate": "n/j/Y",
"ShortDateTime": "n/j/Y g:i A",
"ShortDay": "D",
"ShortTime": "g:i A",
"TinyDate": "n/j",
"YearMonthDate": "Ymd"
"gb": {
"currency": {
"Symbol": "£",
"Separator": ",",
"Decimal": "."
"dateTimePatterns": {
"ShortDay": "D",
"TinyDate": "j/n",
"ShortDate": "j/n/Y",
"LongDay": "l",
"LongDate": "l, d F, Y",
"FullDateTime": "l, d F, Y g:i:s A",
"ShortDateTime": "j/n/Y g:i A",
"ShortTime": "g:i A",
"AttributeDateTime": "d M g:i A",
"PickerDate": "d/m/y",
"PickerTime": "h:i A",
"CalendarBarDate": "j M Y",
"CalendarBarStart": "d M",
"CalendarBarEnd": "d M Y",
"YearMonthDate": "Ymd"
"currency": {
"Symbol": "$",
"Separator": ",",
"Decimal": "."
"strings": {
"_default": "Default1",
"Monday": "Monday",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
"Wednesday": "Wednesday",
"Thursday": "Thursday",
"Friday": "Friday",
"Saturday": "Saturday",
"Sunday": "Sunday",
"Mon": "Mon",
"Tue": "Tue",
"Wed": "Wed",
"Thu": "Thu",
"Fri": "Fri",
"Sat": "Sat",
"Sun": "Sun",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Accepted": "Accepted",
"AcceptWO": "Accept Work Order?",
"Account": "Account",
"Activities": "Activities",
"Activity": "Activity",
"Activity_InProgress": "Activity {0} is already in progress",
"ActivityCancelled": "Current activity has been cancelled",
"ActivityUpdated": "Current activity has been updated",
"ActualDuration": "Actual Duration",
"ActualEnd": "Actual End",
"ActualStart": "Actual Start",
"Add": "Add",
"Added": "Added",
"AddParts": "Add Parts",
"AddTime": "Add Time",
"AddWorkOrder": "Add WO",
"Alert": "Alert",
"Alerts": "Alerts",
"AlertNoResponse": "The alert must be accepted or declined",
"All": "All",
"Amount": "Amount",
"and": "and",
"AppliedDiscounts": "Applied Discounts",
"AppSettingsFailed": "Unable to load user specific settings.\nPlease try and logon again.",
"ApptWindow": "Appt Window",
"Asset": "Asset",
"Assets": "Assets",
"AssetDetail": "Asset Detail",
"AssetEdit": "Edit Asset",
"AssetHistory": "Asset History",
"AssetHistoryDetail": "Asset History Detail",
"AssetList": "Asset List",
"AssetNumber": "Asset Number",
"AssetSerialRequired": "Asset Serial Number is required",
"AssetType": "Asset Type",
"Asset_NoChars": "No asset characteristics available",
"AttachToInvoice": "Attach to invoice?",
"AttributeDecimals": "Value has too many decimal places.",
"AttributeInteger": "Value must be an integer.",
"AttributeNumber": "Value must be a number.",
"Attributes": "Attributes",
"AttributeTooHigh": "Value is too high.",
"AttributeTooLong": "Value is too long.",
"AttributeTooLow": "Value is too low.",
"AttributeTooShort": "Value is too short.",
"AuthorizationCode": "Authorization Code",
"AuthorizePhotos": "Are you authorized to take pictures at this location?",
"Back": "Back",
"BatchNo": "Batch No",
"BatchNumber": "Batch Number",
"BillTo": "Bill To",
"BlankUsername": "User Name cannot be blank.",
"Button_Close": "Close",
"Button_Login": "Login",
"Button_Send": "Send",
"Call": "Call",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CancelDiscardChanges": "Cancel and discard all changes?",
"CardNumber": "Card Number",
"Catalog": "Catalog",
"ChangeUserStatus": "Change User Status",
"Characteristics": "Characteristics",
"Chargeable": "Chargeable",
"CheckAvailability": "Check Availability",
"CheckedIn": "Checked In",
"CheckedOut": "Not Checked In",
"CheckIn": "Check In",
"CheckOut": "Check Out",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearData": "Clear Data",
"ClearEstimateSignature": "Clearing the signature deletes the estimate. Continue?",
"ClearFilter": "Clear Filter",
"ClearSignature": "Clear Signature",
"Clock In/Out": "Clock In/Out",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseWorkOrder": "Close WO",
"CloseWorkOrderPrompt": "Close Work Order?",
"CollectDeposit": "Collect Deposit",
"CollectPayment": "Collect Payment",
"Complete": "Complete",
"CompleteJobAlert": "Are you sure you want to Complete?",
"CompleteTask": "Complete task?",
"CompleteTransfer": "Complete inventory transfer?",
"CompleteTransferButton": "Complete Transfer",
"ConfirmationNum": "Confirmation Num",
"ConfirmCustomerName": "Customer name must be entered before signing Estimate. Enter customer name now?",
"ConfirmLogoff": "Are you sure you wish to logoff?",
"ConfirmRemove": "Remove item from list?",
"ConfirmUserChange": "User is not authorized for current data. Clear data and request refresh?",
"Contact": "Contact",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"ContactList_EmptyText": "No Contacts",
"ContactNumber": "Contact Number",
"Continue": "Continue",
"ContinueActivity": "Continue Activity",
"ContinueTravel": "Continue Travel",
"ContinueWork": "Continue Work",
"Count": "Count",
"Count_CommitError": "Error while completing Physical Inventory",
"Count_SerialExists": "SN [{0}] already exists in list for Part: [{1}].",
"CountCancelled": "Current count has been cancelled",
"CountComplete_Confirm": "Inventory changes are final. Are you sure?",
"CountDetail_SerialAlreadyExists": "Serialized Part already exists.",
"CountDetailList_EmptyText": "No inventory count items",
"CountList_EmptyText": "No Requests",
"CountList_FilterByAllRequests": "All Requests",
"CountList_FilterByCompleteRequests": "Complete Requests",
"CountList_FilterByIncompleteRequests": "Incomplete Requests",
"CountPartial_AddPart": "Cannot add parts to partial count",
"CountRequest": "{0} Inventory count requests",
"CountRequest_singular": "{0} Inventory count request",
"Create": "Create",
"CreatePart": "Create Part",
"Credit": "Credit",
"Customer": "Customer",
"CustomerAssets": "Customer Assets",
"CustomerNotes": "Customer Notes",
"CustomFilter": "Custom Filter",
"CVV2": "CVV2",
"Daily": "Daily",
"DashCOM_AllSent": "All data has been sent.",
"DashCOM_LastSession": "Last session was {0}.",
"DashCOM_Pending": "Pending to be sent: {0}",
"Date": "Date",
"DBFinished": "Finished importing data into {0} tables",
"DBInitFail": "Fatal error initializing local database\n",
"DBRecsInto": "records into",
"DBSaveEntities": "Saving entities for",
"DBSchemaUpdateSuccess": "Database schema updated successfully",
"DBStructure": "Building database structure...",
"DBSucInsert": "Successfully inserted",
"DBTable": "table",
"DBUserData": "Finished importing user data",
"Decline": "Decline",
"Declined": "Declined",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteEstimate": "Delete Estimate",
"DeliveryETA": "Delivery ETA",
"DelTo": "Del To",
"Desc": "Desc",
"Description": "Description",
"Detail": "Detail",
"Details": "Details",
"Diag_Collecting": "Collecting diagnostics...",
"Diag_Sending": "Sending diagnostics...",
"Diag_Sent": "Diagnostics sent.",
"Diagrams": "Diagrams",
"Directions": "Directions",
"Directions_EmptyText": "Directions not available",
"Discard": "Discard",
"DiscardChanges": "Discard changes?",
"Discount": "Discount",
"Discounts": "Discounts",
"Distance": "Distance",
"Done": "Done",
"DueDate": "Due Date",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Earliest": "Earliest by",
"Edit": "Edit",
"EditQty": "Edit Qty",
"Email": "Email",
"EmailEstimate": "Email estimate to customer?",
"EmailRequired": "Email address is required",
"End": "End",
"EndBreak": "End Break",
"Ends": "Ends",
"EnterCustomerName": "Enter Customer Name",
"EnterQty": "Enter Qty",
"EnterSerial": "Please enter a serial number",
"EnterScanSerial": "Scan or enter serial number",
"Error": "Error",
"ErrorAddWorkOrder": "Error adding work order",
"ErrorAssetSerialPattern": "The following assets have invalid serial numbers: {0}",
"ErrorDateFormat": "{0} date format is invalid.",
"ErrorDuration": "Duration is too long.",
"ErrorEmailFormat": "Email format is incorrect",
"ErrorFollowupTime": "Requested follow-up date must be after {0} hours.",
"ErrorLoadUserList": "Error loading the user list",
"ErrorMissingProcess": "Process does not exist: {0}",
"ErrorMustBeCheckedIn": "User must be checked in to perform this action",
"ErrorNoOpenSlots": "No appointment slots available on requested date.",
"ErrorOpenSlots": "Error retrieving open appointment slots.",
"ErrorPriceInvalid": "Price is invalid",
"ErrorPriceNegative": "Price must not be negative",
"ErrorQty": "Quantity is invalid.",
"ErrorRequestTime": "Requested end time must be greater than original end time.",
"ErrorRequired": "Please enter all required fields.",
"ErrorRequiredField": "{0} is required.",
"ErrorSearchSerNum": "Error occurred searching serial number",
"ErrorStartTime": "End time must be greater than start time.",
"ErrorTaskForms": "The following tasks have form fields which are required: {0}",
"ErrorTimecardApproved": "Timecard is approved, it may not be re-submitted",
"ErrorTimecardSubmitted": "Timecard may not be re-submitted",
"ErrorTimecardEmpty": "Timecard does not contain any entries",
"ErrorValue": "Please enter a value.",
"ErrorDeleteTimeEntry": "Cannot delete system generated time entries",
"ErrorWOAlerts": "Alerts must be reviewed before closing work order",
"Estimate": "Estimate",
"EstEnd": "Est. End",
"EstStart": "Est. Start",
"ETA": "ETA",
"ExcessiveService": "Excessive Service",
"ExpectedDelivery": "Expected Delivery",
"ExpirationDate": "Expiration Date",
"ExtPrice": "Ext. Price",
"FaceTime": "FaceTime",
"FieldInvalid": "{0} is invalid",
"FieldReq": "{0} is required",
"Filter": "Filter",
"FinishedUpdate": "Finished in {0}ms.",
"FlexMultiSelect": "Select up to {0} items",
"FlexSelected": "{0} selected",
"FollowupScheduled": "Follow-up scheduled",
"FollowupSuccess": "Follow-up work order {0} scheduled for {1}",
"FollowupFailure": "Cannot schedule follow-up for {0}",
"Forms": "Forms",
"FoundRecord": "Found {0} record",
"FoundRecords": "Found {0} records",
"From": "From",
"General": "General",
"Go": "Go",
"HideDetail": "Hide Detail",
"History": "History",
"Home": "Home",
"hour": "hour",
"hours": "hours",
"Hrs": "Hrs",
"Incomplete": "Incomplete",
"Initializing": "Initializing",
"InsufficientInventory": "Insufficient Inventory",
"InSvc": "In Svc",
"InternetRequired": "Internet connectivity is required for this functionality",
"Inv": "Inv",
"Invalid": "Invalid",
"InvalidDate": "Date is invalid",
"InvCountRequest": "Inv Count Request",
"Inventory": "Inventory",
"InventoryCount": "Inventory Count",
"InventoryList_EmptyText": "No Inventory",
"InventoryList_SortByPart": "Sort by Part",
"InventoryList_SortByPartDesc": "Sort by Part Desc",
"InventoryList_SortByQty": "Sort by Quantity",
"InvoiceEmail": "Invoice Email",
"InvTransferTech_EmptyText": "No technicians available",
"InWarranty": "In Warranty",
"InProgress_Activity": "In Progress:<br/>{0}",
"InProgress_WorkOrder": "In Progress:<br/>{0}</br>{1}",
"Item": "Item",
"ItemDetails": "Item Details",
"IVRCall": "IVR Call",
"IVRMessageSelect": "Select a message",
"IVRMessageTypes_EmptyText": "No IVR messages setup.",
"IVRStatus": "IVR Status",
"JumpTo": "Jump To",
"Labor": "Labor",
"LastSvc": "Last Svc",
"Later": "Later",
"Latest": "Latest by",
"LineItems": "Line Items",
"List": "List",
"Load_AddPart_AlreadyAdded": "Serialized Part is already added.",
"Load_AddPart_Exists": "Serialized Part is already in inventory.",
"Load_CompletionError": "Error while completing load",
"Load_Confirm": "Receive Shipment?",
"Load_Discard": "Discard changes?",
"Load_SerialAdjustQty": "Adjust received quantity to {0}?",
"Load_SerializedPart_Qty_Error": "Serialized part quantity must not be greater than one",
"LoadCancelled": "Current shipment has been cancelled",
"LoadDashboard": "{0} Shipments to receive",
"LoadDashboard_singular": "{0} Shipment to receive",
"LoadDetail_EmptyText": "No Shipment Details",
"LoadItemNoDelete": "Sent items may not be removed from list",
"LoadList_EmptyText": "No Shipments",
"LoadList_FilterByAllShipments": "All Shipments",
"LoadList_FilterByNotReceived": "Not Received",
"LoadList_FilterByReceived": "Received",
"LoadingMoreItems": "Loading more items",
"LoadingProducts": "Loading Products",
"LoadingText": "Loading...",
"LoadNum": "Load #",
"LoadSheet": "Load Sheet",
"LoadSheet_EmptyText": "No inventory required for today",
"Loc": "Loc",
"LocatePart": "Locate Part",
"LocatingPart": "Locating Part",
"Location": "Location",
"Location Map": "Location Map",
"Location_AdvShip": "Adv Ship",
"Location_Vehicle": "Vehicle",
"LoggedHours": "You have logged {0} total {1} today and {2} {3} this week.",
"LoggedHoursError": "Error loading logged hours",
"LoggedInAs": "Logged in as {0} {1}",
"LoginException": "Exception occured, Error:",
"LoginUnknownErr": "Unknown Error, ",
"LoginWrongIDPass": "Wrong user name / password",
"Logoff": "Logoff",
"MailOutPartsError": "Ordered items must be paid in full and shipped to customer",
"Map": "Map",
"ManualAuthorization": "Manual Authorization",
"Menu": "Menu",
"Mfr": "Mfr",
"mi": "mi",
"Mins": "Min",
"minute": "minute",
"minutes": "minutes",
"Misc": "Misc",
"MobileSupport": "Mobile Support",
"Mode": "Mode",
"Model": "Model",
"Month": "Month",
"NameOnCard": "Name On Card",
"New": "New",
"NewAlertsReceived": "New alerts have been received. View now?",
"NewApplicationDownload": "A new version of the application is available. Do you wish to upgrade?",
"Next": "Next",
"No": "No",
"None": "None",
"NoContactOptions": "No contact options available",
"Nodata": "No data",
"NoForms": "No Forms",
"NoneSelected": "None Selected",
"NoNetwork": "No Network Connection",
"NonTaxable": "Non-Taxable",
"NoPartsFound": "No parts were found",
"NoPhotos": "No Photos",
"NoRemoveAdvShipPart": "Advanced ship parts may not be removed from list, set qty to 0?",
"NoResponse": "No Response",
"NoServiceCodes": "No Service Codes",
"NoServiceContract": "No Service Contract",
"NoTasks": "No Tasks",
"Notes": "Notes",
"NotesRequired": "Notes are required",
"NoTimeEntries": "No time entries",
"NotApplicable": "N/A",
"NotReceived": "Not Received",
"OffCatalog": "Off Catalog",
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Off",
"On": "On",
"OnBreak": "On Break",
"Open": "Open",
"OpenSlotSelect": "Select a slot",
"Ordered": "Ordered",
"OrderedPartsDeposit": "Ordered Parts Deposit",
"OrderPart": "Order Part",
"OrderParts": "Order Parts",
"OrderType": "Work Type",
"OriginalEndTime": "Original End Time",
"OverlapError": "Activity overlaps with another activity.",
"OverlapWarning": "Activity overlaps with another activity, continue anyway?",
"Overview": "Overview",
"ParentCode": "Parent Code",
"Part": "Part",
"PartDesc": "Part/Desc",
"PartDescSerial": "Part/Desc/Serial",
"PartLocation": "Loc",
"PartMap_Added": "Added part to line items: {0}",
"PartMap_EnterMap": "Enter map #",
"PartMap_NoDiagrams": "No Diagrams Available",
"PartMap_NoMapNumber": "Map number does not exist",
"PartMap_NotInInv": "Part {0} is not in inventory. Order it?",
"PartMap_Ordered": "Ordered part {0}",
"PartMap_SerialRequired": "Enter serial number for part: {0}",
"PartNotFound": "Part: [{0}] not found in parts catalog.",
"PartNotSaveConfirm": "Part {0} has not been saved. Continue anyway?",
"PartNumber": "Part Number",
"Parts": "Parts",
"PartsLocator": "Parts Locator",
"PartsLocatorCatalog": "Parts Locator Catalog",
"PartsMayNotArrive": "Ordered parts may not arrive until {0}. Schedule follow-up for {1} anyway?",
"PartsSearch": "Parts Search",
"PartSuperseded": "Ordered part {0} superseded.",
"PartsTransferred": "Parts Transferred",
"Password_Login": "Password",
"PauseActivity": "Pause Activity",
"Pause": "Pause",
"Paused": "Paused",
"PauseTravel": "Pause Travel",
"PauseWork": "Pause Work",
"Pay": "Pay",
"Payment": "Payment",
"PaymentError": "Error processing payment",
"PaymentFailed": "Payment failed",
"PaymentNotRequired": "Payment is not required",
"PaymentServiceStatus_0": "Approved",
"PaymentServiceStatus_5": "An error occurred while processing the card",
"PaymentServiceStatus_8": "Not authorized",
"PaymentServiceStatus_9": "Invalid card number",
"PaymentServiceStatus_10": "Insufficient funds",
"PaymentServiceStatus_16": "Invalid transaction",
"PaymentServiceStatus_19": "The card was declined",
"PaymentServiceStatus_20": "Timeout",
"PaymentServiceStatus_21": "The card's zip code is incorrect",
"PaymentServiceStatus_26": "The card's security code (CVV) is incorrect",
"PaymentServiceStatus_32": "The credit card processing for the merchant is disabled",
"PaymentServiceStatus_86": "Invalid input data",
"PaymentServiceStatus_88": "Invalid response data",
"PaymentServiceStatus_93": "Duplicate transaction",
"PaymentServiceStatus_99": "Unknown",
"PaymentSuccessful": "Payment processed successfully",
"Pending": "Pending",
"PendingEvents": "Total scheduled events: {0}",
"Photos": "Photos",
"PhoneCall": "Phone Call",
"PlannedDuration": "Planned Duration",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Price": "Price",
"Priority": "Priority",
"Product": "Product",
"ProductDoesNotExist": "Product does not exist",
"ProductEmpty": "Product number is empty",
"Processing": "Processing",
"ProcessingPayment": "Processing payment",
"Provider": "Provider",
"Qty": "Qty",
"QtyPrice": "Qty/Price",
"Quantity": "Quantity",
"Rcv": "Rcvd",
"Reason": "Reason",
"Receive": "Receive",
"Received": "Received",
"ReceiveShipment": "Receive Shipment",
"Ref": "Ref",
"RefCode": "Ref Code",
"Reject": "Reject",
"RejectReason": "Reject Reason",
"Remove": "Remove",
"RetrieveMoreResults": "Retrieve more results",
"Returns": "Returns",
"Remarks": "Remarks",
"RepeatCall": "Repeat Call",
"Request": "Request",
"RequestedEndTime": "Requested End Time",
"RequestMoreTime": "Request more time",
"RequestMoreTimeTitle": "Request More Time",
"ReqNum": "Req#",
"Reqd": "Req'd",
"Required": "Required",
"RequiredActivity": "Activity is required.",
"RequiredAttribute": " is required.",
"RequiredOnsiteActivity": "Select an onsite activity.",
"RequiredOrderType": "Select an order type.",
"RequiredPriority": "Select a priority.",
"RequiredStartEnd": "Start time is required.",
"RequiredTravelActivity": "Select a travel activity.",
"Resched": "Reschedule",
"ReschedDate": "Resched Date",
"ReschedReason": "Resched Reason",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resolution": "Resolution",
"RetryPayment": "Retry Payment",
"RotateScreen": "Please rotate screen to enable signature capturing.",
"RouteMap": "Route Map",
"Save": "Save",
"SavePassword_Login": "Remember Me",
"ScanPartNumber": "Scan or enter part number",
"ScanSerial": "Scan or enter SN",
"Schedule": "Schedule",
"ScheduleDay": "Schedule By Day",
"ScheduledEvents": "You have {0} events scheduled today.",
"ScheduledEvents_singular": "You have {0} event scheduled today.",
"ScheduleFollowup": "Schedule Follow-up",
"ScheduleList": "Schedule List",
"SchedDuration": "Sched Duration",
"SchedEnd": "Sched End",
"SchedStart": "Sched Start",
"DXCredsAreInvalid": "Credentials are no longer valid.\nTo reset, logoff of the application and then log back on again.",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchMoreOnline": "Search more online",
"SelectDiscounts": "Select Discounts",
"SelectServiceContract": "Select Service Contract",
"SendSupportInfo": "Send mobile diagnostic information.",
"Sent": "Sent",
"Serial": "Serial",
"SerializedAlreadyInInventory": "Serialized part is already in inventory",
"SerializedAlreadyInList": "Serialized part is already in list",
"SerializedAlreadyInUse": "Serialized part is already in use",
"SerialNo": "Serial No",
"SerialNumber": "Serial Number",
"SelectCode": "Select Code",
"ServiceCode": "Service Code",
"ServiceCodes": "Service Codes",
"ServiceCodeIncomplete": "Service code for asset {0} is incomplete",
"ServiceCodeRequired": "Service code is required for asset {0}",
"ServiceContract": "Service Contract",
"Shipment": "Shipment",
"ShipmentDetail": "Shipment Detail",
"ShipmentNew": "New Shipment",
"ShipTo": "Ship To",
"ShowActivities": "Show Activities",
"ShowDetail": "Show Detail",
"ShowPending": "Show Pending",
"ShowWorkOrders": "Show Work Orders",
"Sign": "Sign",
"Sign In": "Sign In",
"Signature": "Signature",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SN": "S/N",
"Social": "Social",
"Sort": "Sort",
"SortByDate": "Sort by Date",
"SortByDuration": "Sort by Duration",
"SortByRef": "Sort by Reference",
"Source": "Source",
"Start": "Start",
"StartBreak": "Start Break",
"StartEnd": "Start & End",
"Starts": "Starts",
"StartTask": "Start Task",
"StartTravel": "Start Travel",
"Status": "Status",
"Status_JobList": "Status",
"StopTravel": "Stop Travel",
"Submit": "Submit",
"SubmitPayment": "Submit Payment",
"SubmitTimecard": "Submit Timecard",
"SubmitTimecardPrompt": "Are you sure you want to submit this timecard?",
"Summary": "Summary",
"Support_Link": "Support",
"SupportNumber": "Contact number:",
"SupportEmail": "Contact email:",
"SvcCodes": "Svc Codes",
"SvcContract_SerialOutOfRange": "The {0} service contract does not cover asset serial number {1}",
"SvcContract_UnsupportedServiceCode": "{0} service contract is not supported for the current service code selected for asset {1}.",
"SvcContract_UnsupportedWorkType": "{0} service contract does not support {1} work type.",
"SystemGeneratedTime": "System generated time may not be edited while in progress",
"TakePhoto": "Take Photo",
"TapToSign": "Tap to sign",
"Tasks": "Tasks",
"TaskDetail": "Task Detail",
"TaskInProgress": "Task {0} is already in progress",
"TaskStatusCompleted": "Completed",
"TaskStatusNotStarted": "Not Started",
"TaskStatusStarted": "Started",
"Tax": "Tax",
"Taxable": "Taxable",
"TaxPART": "Tax (Parts)",
"TaxLABOR": "Tax (Labor)",
"TaxPRODUCT": "Tax (Product)",
"TaxMISC": "Tax (Misc)",
"TaxTRAVEL": "Tax (Travel)",
"TaxTotal": "Total Tax",
"TEActivityList_EmptyText": "No time entries for selected date",
"Tech": "Tech",
"TechMapJobs_singular": "{0} job remaining today",
"TechMapJobs": "{0} jobs remaining today",
"TechMapLocation": "You are here",
"TEWeeklySummary_EmptyText": "No data for selected date range",
"TextMessage": "Text Message",
"TechNotes": "Tech Notes",
"Time": "Time",
"Timeago_suffixAgo": "ago",
"Timeago_suffixFromNow": "from now",
"Timeago_inPast": "any moment now",
"Timeago_seconds": "less than a minute",
"Timeago_minute": "about a minute",
"Timeago_minutes": "%d minutes",
"Timeago_hour": "about an hour",
"Timeago_hours": "about %d hours",
"Timeago_day": "a day",
"Timeago_days": "%d days",
"Timeago_month": "about a month",
"Timeago_months": "%d months",
"Timeago_year": "about a year",
"Timeago_years": "%d years",
"Timecard": "Timecard",
"TimecardApproved": "Timecard has been approved and may not be edited",
"TimecardSubmitted": "Timecard has been submitted for approval and may not be edited",
"TimeEntry": "Time Entry",
"TimeEntryStartFirst": "Start time must be selected first",
"Title": "Title",
"To": "To",
"Today": "Today",
"TooManyResults": "Returned {0} results, please enter a query to narrow your search to {1} results",
"Total": "Total",
"Totals": "Totals",
"TotalHours": "Total Hours",
"TotalHrs": "Total Hrs",
"TotalQty": "Total Qty",
"TotalCredits": "Total Credits",
"TotalDiscounts": "Total Discounts",
"TotalPrice": "Total Price",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"TransferChangeType": "Transfer type cannot be changed once parts have been added.",
"TransferCommitError": "Error committing inventory transfer.",
"TransferCompleted": "Inventory transfer completed.",
"TransferCancel": "Cancel Transfer and discard changes?",
"TransferDetail": "Transfer Detail",
"TransferHistory": "Transfer History",
"TransferHistoryDetail_EmptyText": "No Transfer Details",
"TransferHistoryList_EmptyText": "No Transfer History",
"TransferSelectType": "Please select a transfer type.",
"TransferTech": "Transfer Tech",
"TransferType": "Transfer Type",
"Travel": "Travel",
"Type": "Type",
"UnableToConnect": "Unable to connect to server",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"UnknownServerError": "Unknown server error",
"UpdateStep": "Step {0} of 4",
"UpdateStep01": "Create/Update Database",
"UpdateStep02": "Sending Data Refresh Request",
"UpdateStep03": "Populating User Data",
"UpdateStep04": "Application Ready",
"Urgency": "Urgency",
"Used": "Used",
"Username_Login": "Username",
"VerificationCode": "Verification Code",
"Version_Login": "Version",
"ViewAlerts": "View Alerts",
"VILookupError": "Vehicle inventory does not exist",
"Warning": "Warning",
"Warranty": "Warranty",
"WeeklySummary": "Weekly Summary",
"WeekNoData": "No data for the selected week",
"WO_Delete_Closed": "Cannot delete closed work orders",
"WO_Delete_UserCreated": "Only user created work orders can be deleted",
"WOAddPartEmptyText": "No parts available",
"WOAddPartsError": "Error loading add parts",
"WorkOrderAlertsList_EmptyText": "No alerts",
"WorkOrderAssetList_EmptyText": "No assets",
"WorkOrderAssetHistoryList_EmptyText": "No asset history",
"WOCancelled": "Current work order has been cancelled",
"WOCommitError": "Error committing work order",
"WOConfirmSigClear": "Navigating back will clear the customer signature. Continue?",
"WOErrorAddingPart": "Error adding part to list.",
"WOInvalidQty": "Quantity must be greater than 0",
"WOInvalidStatus": "Status is invalid",
"WOInsufficientInv": "There is insufficient inventory for the following line items. Remove the items or adjust the quantities to continue.",
"WOMissingSerials": "Some line items are missing serial numbers. Enter the serial numbers to continue.",
"WOMustAccept": "Work order must be accepted first",
"WONegativeQty": "Insufficient inventory for item {0}",
"WONoReject": "Work order may not be rejected",
"WONoResched": "Work order must be accepted before it can be rescheduled",
"WONotFound": "Work order not found",
"WOPartInList": "Part is already in the list",
"WOOrders_EmptyText": "No ordered items",
"WOPartsList_EmptyText": "No line items",
"WOPartsListReturned_EmptyText": "No returns",
"WOProductExists": "Product already exists",
"WORequiredForms": "Required forms not completed. Complete forms to continue.",
"WORequiredAssetCharacteristics": "Required asset characteristics have not been entered. Review assets to continue.",
"WOSigRequired": "Signature is required",
"WOSigNameRequired": "Customer Name is required",
"WOTechCreated": "Tech created work orders may not be copied",
"WOUpdated": "Current work order has been updated",
"WorkOrder_SerializedPart_Qty_Error": "Serialized part quantity must be equal to one",
"WorkOrder": "Work Order",
"WorkOrders": "Work Orders",
"WorkOrder_InProgress": "Work order {0} is already in progress",
"WorkOrderList_EmptyText": "No work orders for selected date",
"WorkOrderSummary": "WorkOrder Summary",
"Year": "Year",
"Yes": "Yes",
"ZipCode": "Zip Code"