The values of the DateTime, ETS, ETA and ETF fields are local to what is specified in the tz_disp_api database parameter unless APITimeZone was supplied in the previous call to DispInitRequest see Integration ServiceOptimizer Initialize Dispatch Queue SOAP API.
tz_disp_api can be configured to be local to the customer (i.e. to the region where the job is located), local to a supplied or default time zone, to the responsibility unit containing the job, to the employee, to the ServiceOptimizer or SMS server, or in GMT, with or without daylight saving (BST).
The value BreakStart is local to tz_disp_api unless APITimeZone was supplied in Integration ServiceOptimizer Initialize Dispatch Queue SOAP API. The exception is where the specified timezone is local to Customer in which case BreakStart is local to the Employee.