Resource URL Summary
Panel | ||||||
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Retrieve a list of Time Card records for a specific Work Center
Retrieve a list of Time Card records that have a specific Status for a specific Work Center
Insert or Update the status of a Time Card for a specific User
Insert or Update the status of a Time Card for a group of Users
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
${StatusID} | Specifies the status of the timecard. Valid values are controlled by the Time Card Status system category |
| Identifies the specific timecard |
${UserID} | Identifies the REST Object Definitions User Related Objects User Object. |
${WorkCenterID} | Identifies the REST Object Definitions Account Location Related Objects Work Center Object. |
Include Page | ||||
API Specifics
Panel | ||||||||||||||
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Retrieve a list of Time Card records for a specific Work CenterThis API will return a list of all of the Time Card records for all Users for the Work Center with the specified ID, from the system. The Work Center with the specified ID must already exist in the system. URL
HTTP Request BodyThis request does not require a request body. HTTP Response BodyOn success, HTTP response code of 200 will be returned, and the response body will contain a JSON array of Time Entry Objects. It is possible for the returned array to be empty if there are no matching records.
Panel | ||||||||||||||
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Retrieve a list of Time Card records that have a specific Status for a specific Work CenterThis API will return all of the individual time entry records for all users of the specified work center that have the specified status. This is API can be used to return all approved time cards or to report on time cards that are still open (have not been submitted by the mobile worker). If there are no matching records then an empty array will be returned (e.g. [ ]). URL
HTTP Request BodyThis request does not require a request body. HTTP Response BodyOn success, HTTP response code of 200, this API will return a JSON array of Time Entry Objects.
Panel | |||||||||||||||
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Insert or Update the status of a Time Card for a specific UserThis API will update the status of a timecard for a specific user. Any status changes will automatically be sent to the mobile worker. URL
HTTP Request BodyThe request body must contain a valid REST Object Definitions Time Entry Related Objects Timecard Status Object.
HTTP ResponseOn success an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned. |
Panel | |||||||||||||||
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Insert or Update the status of a Time Card for a group of UsersThis API will update the status of a timecard for a group of mobile workers. The HTTP request body must include the Users property, which is an array containing a list of user IDs to be updated. Status changes will automatically be sent to the mobile worker. URL
HTTP Request BodyThe request body must contain a valid REST Object Definitions Time Entry Related Objects Timecard Status Object. The Users property of the Timecard Status object must be populated with the list of user IDs to be updated.
HTTP ResponseOn success an HTTP response code of 200 will be returned. |