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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space SCHUD and version 9.3

Web Service










Appt The appt structure is the same as used in the ApptBookRequest interface  - see earlier for details and description of attributes Book Appointment SOAP API interface.












 See note below.


















is one of ContigShift, ConsecShift, NonConsecShift and is returned with the first offer in each offer group to provide an indication of what type of offer group this is (it is undefined in the other offers in the same offer group):

ContigShift means that the offers in this group are in the relevant operative’s contiguous shift time: no interruptions except for off-shift time and public holidays

ConsecShift means that the offers in this group are on the relevant operative’s consecutive shifts, i.e. the operative will visit the site on consecutive shifts (but no more than once per shift)

NonConsecShift           means that the offers on this group aren’t in contiguous shift time nor on consecutive shifts, but will still be no more than Long Job: Max Fragment Gap days apart.






Is the employee that is being booked to do the work













Are the date and times of the appointment bands. For the first fragment, these will be the arrival promise made to the customer. For subsequent fragments these will be the full shift for the operative in question.














As supplied from the offer process for each split/fragment







Is the duration of the specifc split/fragment for the operative in question (excluding travel)













